Horoscope for April 2017

The first decade of April promises to be especially thrilling. If you have been expecting that in the middle of spring Lady Luck will finally look upon the financial aspect of your life, unfortunately, you will have to sadly admit that all large-scale accomplishments have to be postponed indefinitely! Trying to solve numerous routine issues, you will not have enough patience and energy to actively move towards the development of your career. If you are self-employed, your main concern at this point will be the legislative organs. No, you are not going to face an arrest (of course, if you're not involved in building a new financial pyramid). Though you can expect troubles with taxes, landlords or authorities issuing a license for your business activities! However, once you are able to overcome this bureaucratic madness, you can expect a pleasant surprise afterwards (income growth, the expansion of your company or the appearance of prospective investors on the horizon).
The second decade of April 2017 will make most people forget about the sphere of finances. Issues within the family, illnesses of close and distant relatives, or household scandals caused by eternal lack of money will grow into a much bigger problem. Stars predict especially hard times have for everyone involved in long-term and deep family relations. Do not be surprised if this, already the least positive month, will create a rift in your marriage! Inner calm and patience will help you protect yourself from this weight of problems (let your significant other raise the roof from time to time, without responding in aggression). Anyone planning on starting a new romantic relationship will have to overcome a lot of adverse circumstances in the middle of April. Once a more or less attractive person of the opposite sex appears on your horizon, you will be forced to step into the shadows, putting away your hopes for getting closer with this person. Why? It's quite simple - the fickle month of April will repeatedly make you approach people, who already are in relationships.
The third decade of the month will bring final damage to the nervous system of many people, as they will not be able to sustain such a tremendous life rhythm. Not surprisingly, some people at this point will resort to daily handful dosages of sedatives, others will seek refuge in alcohol, and some might find meditation rather soothing. Nasty April weather will add to the general breakdown (do not rush into throwing away your warm clothes - even if there's a brightly shining sun outside, chilly wind might abruptly take the stage).
Horoscope for April 2017 for each zodiac sign
- → Horoscope for April 2017 for Aries
- → Horoscope for April 2017 for Taurus
- → Horoscope for April 2017 for Gemini
- → Horoscope for April 2017 for Cancer
- → Horoscope for April 2017 for Leo
- → Horoscope for April 2017 for Virgo
- → Horoscope for April 2017 for Libra
- → Horoscope for April 2017 for Scorpio
- → Horoscope for April 2017 for Sagittarius
- → Horoscope for April 2017 for Capricorn
- → Horoscope for April 2017 for Aquarius
- → Horoscope for April 2017 for Pisces
Horoscope for each day of April 2017
- Daily Horoscope for April
- Horoscope for April 1 2017
- Horoscope for April 2 2017
- Horoscope for April 3 2017
- Horoscope for April 4 2017
- Horoscope for April 5 2017
- Horoscope for April 6 2017
- Horoscope for April 7 2017
- Horoscope for April 8 2017
- Horoscope for April 9 2017
- Horoscope for April 10 2017
- Horoscope for April 11 2017
- Horoscope for April 12 2017
- Horoscope for April 13 2017
- Horoscope for April 14 2017
- Horoscope for April 15 2017
- Horoscope for April 16 2017
- Horoscope for April 17 2017
- Horoscope for April 18 2017
- Horoscope for April 19 2017
- Horoscope for April 20 2017
- Horoscope for April 21 2017
- Horoscope for April 22 2017
- Horoscope for April 23 2017
- Horoscope for April 24 2017
- Horoscope for April 25 2017
- Horoscope for April 26 2017
- Horoscope for April 27 2017
- Horoscope for April 28 2017
- Horoscope for April 29 2017
- Horoscope for April 30 2017