Horoscope for April 28 2017
Today's astrological aspects bring on the passion as Venus moves from Pisces back into Aries today. This is a long journey that began January 30th questioning your ideals and needs in romance and creative endeavors. Look back to the month of February and ask yourself what was going on in your own love life! Political events take a passionate turn at this time. Let your heart guide you towards the future. The moon is moving nicely through Gemini providing words and communication at this time. Mercury is still in retrograde, creating difficulties in travel and electronics. There might be resistance in the later afternoon between the dream you are trying to work towards and what your reality is at this moment. You dream big, and sometimes your immediate present is not there yet, but give it time. Inspiration will regain itself later on in the afternoon. The power colors of the day are shades of Red!

The struggles that you went through over the earlier part of the months are in alignment to lift. There is passion and intensity and a great deal of energy today. Filter that into healthy forms of physical exercise and expression. This is an incredible moment for you, so embrace it with love. The universe is on your side! Never be afraid to Love!

This is a special day for dreams to come true if you set that as your immediate goal. Love is in the air, so let it consume you right now. There might not be time for words, or you might feel like others around you are the ones who are talkative at the moment, but it is important to get your feelings out in the open. You've waited too long! This is a great time for you to see your gifts!

The cards are in your favor today as Mars brings you an added boost of energy, and Jupiter in Libra brings you a little touch of luck. Finances, career, and romance are favorable for you today. Overspending is a possibility, as you are in a great mood at this time. Spend it on someone you love. You might be courting someone at this time. Traditional role-reversals are welcome!

It is a great day to enjoy some time with a friend. There is a lot of energy flying around right now, and low-key times are welcome. You might not have a choice as others might drag you out of the house today. Career is favorable at this time. Romance can be great depending on what you are looking for. This is a passionate person! Your power colors are Orange and Blue!

Romance is number one today! Finally! You've been waiting for this, so let it open your heart up to new ideas and get out there and play! This is a fun time for you. Do not forget to get a little bit of work done as well! Networking is totally work, especially with a martini in your hand, or cup of delicious coffee! If there is a renewal of energy around this time appreciate any insights you had over the past few days about your health.

This is a great time to strike up a fascinating conversation. You might feel a bit more agitated than normal, that will build over the next few days. The best way to work with this energy is spending time in social settings and groups. Exchanging ideas and helping those around you. This requires a lot of work, and you have the ability to get this project done while focusing on the minor details. You might take on a leadership role.

The stars are in your favor when it comes to spiritual development and all things related to love. It is a beautiful day for you! The pressures of society are what they are, but for you there is a great deal of appreciation and sentimentality right now. Passion is sparked for projects and your work life is favored at this time. Many people are working together for the greater good.

Also see Aries and pay attention to Gemini! You have a lot of potential with someone. Your career life is most likely taking the front seat at this time or a social cause. If you are fighting with someone try and resolve it with sweetness. That might not often be your forte, but this person has a lot more pain than you realize. You might be the first one to extend a hand at this time. Try not to cut them off or give a cold shoulder. This person is important. Love can be successful when you open your heart to new ideas.

There is a lot of energy flying around you today. It might feel like you are zooming around with no real end point. Enjoy this today, talk and chat it up with friends and groups of people. Start something new, and make a declaration! Form an organization or join one! This is a great day for your career, so get yourself out there, known and seen!

Are you feeling a bit ignored at the moment? Or are you moody and agitated? Have you been locked in your house? Call someone, take the initiative and ask them out on a friend date. This is your journey as well, and you do deserve some time to recognize your gifts and talents. Try not to be arrogant, but let yourself appreciate your accomplishments. Enjoy the presence of a healing partnership.

This is an excellent day for group activities. You have a great aspect for spiritual development, healing arts, and education at this time. Your career potential is high! Your financial potential is even higher! Let this day bring you it's great gifts, and started out by telling someone how much you love them! Your power animal today is a Wolf!

Random acts of kindness go a long way, and hopefully you are on the receiving end. You might be feeling the shift and the pull of energy at this time. You truly love and respect another, but cannot quite pinpoint how they fit into your life. Where are you going with this new realization and your career right now? This is a great day to get a long-term project moving forward. If you felt stuck, this is your moment!
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for April 2017Horoscope for Yesterday April 27 2017
Horoscope for Tomorrow April 29 2017