Horoscope for April 8 2017
Today's Astrological aspects find the moon moving from Virgo and into Libra throughout this day. A great day for grounding and balancing in the first half of the day. There is a romantic aspect today that is linked to self-worth issues. Deep wounding in love is being revisited. Someone might leave, but they will return eventually, if not the same person, the same story.

Goals, make a list of them, put them in a drawer, and then realize that you can surpass all of them. Take the list out in one month, and see how far you've come since then. How many people have your back? A great lesson in friendship today. Welcome strangers with open arms. A philosophical dilemma may occur a bit later in the day. Express your opinion with tact. Ease up on others emotions. The battle doesn't have to be with them, it can be with society at large.

Really nice day to complete a creative project, or ask for a promotion. A very stable financial aspect today with the moon from morning until afternoon. Take not of any emails you have now, they will come in handy a little later into this year. Several seasons may pass before you see someone again, but they are not lost. An artifact lost may be found. Your word of the day is Alchemy!

Follow the clues, set the example, and create something that provides others with hope. You are a great counselor today. You bring on lovely advice. Follow your own advice and take caution in anyone trying to take something you are unwilling to give. What serves and soothes your soul here? Is it this? Or is it something greater? Peace will be found throughout the day.

This isn't just a day, there is a shift in your own reality for many of you. Make a joke of it and do not complain about any added work to your plate right now. You might be picking up the slack for someone who is not disclosing the full truth to you. They might need your help, but not know the correct way to ask. More flies with honey is what comes to mind here.

This is a really nice time for you to shine! Get out there and enjoy the world later on in the day. Experience the beauty that is of this world, and appreciate the company of your groups. Singing and dancing are welcome! Even if you are throwing yourself a personal party. Invite a Scorpio-type, they will teach you a great lesson!

It is a great day to work! The earlier part of the day is organized and responsible, just the way you like it! Friendly activities are promoted for the evening hours, and even a romantic evening. Balance out the work when it is time to work! Make a bold move and ask someone out, it can be in your own unique way!

Romance is in the air! For some of you it might be sudden and out-of-the-blue! The day might start out a little slower than normal, but you did need the rest! Try not to let it throw you off too much! Give a Sagittarius a hug, they might need to be in the presence of your sparkle. Your power flower for the day is the Daisy!

Work is the emphasis right now. For those out of work, there is hope. If it is a constant nagging, this is all part of the shift. Keep your head up high and know that the Mercury retrograde will bring in karmic ties. Old people and wounds are revisited around this time. Appreciate the old flames for what they taught you. Family relationships may bring on nostalgia. Power animal today - The Eagle.

The earlier part of the day may provide a little friction, but will feel a bit more settled towards the evening. Do not take the first offer when it comes to either career or relationships. Appreciate the good people around you. You deserve the best! The evening will bring forth happier times! Your power color of the day is Black.

A little bit more organized than yesterday. Matters surrounding family and children might still have you caught up. Appreciate one on one time with a loved one, even if you did have differences today, they do bring out the worst in you, however, on the flip side, they also bring out the best in you as well.

This is a time to think about your career, but know that the changes will happen and keep your head up here. The main emphasis is with Mars in Taurus right now, which is squaring your own energy. This may cause discontent and agitation meant to propel you forward to the next steps. The moon makes harmonious energy later on in the evening, great for romantic outings and dating!

Depth in love is continuing from yesterday. Getting out of your shell is encouraged, as it may just bring you exactly what you truly want. A heart wound is still being carefully contemplated. Art is your best friend right now. Fluffy cute animals are helpful during these moments. Abide by the law.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for April 2017Horoscope for Yesterday April 7 2017
Horoscope for Tomorrow April 9 2017