Horoscope for April 15 2017
Today, the moon is moving through the later degrees of Sagittarius. It's a great moment in time. Fun may be trying to take the place of work. You might get distracted today, snafus with conversations could occur. Present yourself with a true heart, and find that this journey is truly a digging process for all! Be inspired by the world! This will help you find your way! Venus is in Pisces which will be stationing to go direct today after a long retrograde moving romantic and artistic stories forward. Organization takes place towards the end of the day. Fights with bosses and fatherly figures for some.

This is a great time to embrace your heart's content! If over this last month you've felt off in your romantic endeavors, this will start to find it's way to something better soon! Your heart will begin to grow over the next few weeks, and today is the day that this door opens up! Remember to enjoy the foibles and set yourself up with a truly interesting project today. Align your energies now, so that you will feel more organized in May! Pink it totally your power color right now!

It could be a push and pull right now with your energy. Especially if you were born in May. However difficult work may seem right now, or an old flame may be sitting in the back of your mind with no way of getting past this, you will be able to find a little enjoyment in fine dining. You might get a great deal or get added onto a project. Is it not the thing you truly wanted? Who is on that team? There is one person who might admire you for your differences. Enjoy the little details, and keep pressing forward.

Opposites attract! Give it a chance! Your gut is right about them, and you knew they were flirting the entire time. The later part of the day might bring on an argument, try and express yourself calmly. Talk to a Sagittarius! Your power color today is Blue.

Sneaking suspicion about something or someone? Are you being sneaky? Something is hidden, but it might not be exactly what you are thinking. Discernment and kindness are the key words for today. The balance between traveling and the need to find your home are the tasks you are weighing out today. Suggestion, go out earlier in the day, and plan an evening completing a long-needed task at home later in the evening. The hermit crab is your power animal today.

Share your heart with another today. You might just be the first person that others go to for friendship. Someone's got a really juicy story to share with you. Try not to gossip too much, but this is really powerful news here! The greater questions in life are knocking at your door. It is now that time to really answer them! Your power flower is the daisy, share them with your friends!

Are you tired? Do you just want to be left alone? Maybe you do feel like nobody sees you or understands you. It might be a bit harder to really work this out today. Finances might be the number one thing on your mind today, as it is tax day. Ask a Scorpio for help. They will see the things you missed. Try and get some extra rest. There is a lot of work to do. A comfy pillow is your power object today!

Your hard work is paying off for sure! Now this is the time to really question the future. Other signs are experiencing this exact question. Justice is in your favor. Be real with a loved one. If you are longing for a family, now is the time to put these plans out there in the open. Music is your friend today!

You are detailed and see things others may have looked over. Take some time to help others out that might be experiencing loss or fear. You can transcend this fear, and spend time in the moment. Share meals or even give to those less fortunate right now. It's all a journey of abundance, you are the top of this cycle right now. Your power is with the snake today.

Yes, you are totally gifted. You are seen! You are loved! You are wanted! You are respected! You will reach the pinnacle of success! So how does that make you feel? It is your day to experience the truth of your own self. Your wishes, your wants, and your desires. Daily affirmations are so helpful with achieving all of your goals. Embrace them, write them down if you need to! Your power animal is the cheetah!

You are creative, just in your own way. Others may look at your more serious side. Today is a great day to enjoy love and romance. Go on a date with someone new, or reach out to someone you would like to spend time with on a platonic level. Be inspired by a fire sign. Hug a Cancer, they might need it today. Help out the less fortunate right now.

This is a great day to embrace others. Spend time in your community, and submit a proposal. Foreign travel is a possibility. Read Sagittarius as well, you need to hear all of that too! Pets and animals might be on your mind. Outdoor sporting events are a great thing to participate in right now! Take good care of your hips and knees. Dancing is also a possibility!!!!

Venus is moving forward in your sign! She wants romance, love, and to let go of all these wounds! Did someone slash your heart emotionally? Forgive them! Let it go and let it be. At least someone out there needs to truly give another a chance. This is that moment where the wounded healer becomes healed again. Your power color is Sea Green. Spend time near the water if you can.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for April 2017Horoscope for Yesterday April 14 2017
Horoscope for Tomorrow April 16 2017