Horoscope for April 3 2017
Today, the Moon is moving through Cancer creating a "Cardinal Cross" around mid-afternoon. This energy is generally seen as difficult, however, it is in regards to authority figures. Clashes that may occur could be passive-agressive instead of action-oriented. As Venus shifted back into Pisces last night, there's a lot of emotions today continuing with the theme of heart wound healing for many. Relationships or non-relationships are at the forefront of the energy at this time. Think back to early February of this year… what was going on in the love sector of your own life? It might just be revisiting you, if not to bid goodbye!

Respect your team, yes you are strong, but respect the people who provide you with differing opinions. Respect and be respected, trust and be trusted. Be what you want others to be today. You have to set an example for someone. Yes the energy is pushy, but you have to stand your ground, and hold the map today, in a compromising way!

You might be who everyone is turning to for emotional consolation today. Deep breath, get your coffee, your tea, and buckle up. Your happy place is in a room with a couch, a glass of wine, and away from all of this mess. Just know a great gift is on the way. Be patient, and appreciate our willpower!

Opinionated people have no place in the parade! The song "Dreams" by Fleetwood Mac comes to mind for many of you. Just be if you can… hold on, enjoy, and laugh with friends. Love is on your side for many, but truly review the harmony in your relationships. Are the people really around you because they care? Or do they long to be you? Dance to your own tune!

If you do not know why you are so agitated, just know you can enjoy the ride. Work will be tough today. If you are in the business of auditioning, you will stand out. You put in the time, you will get it back to you. Calculated efforts, look to Capricorns for guidance! Please eat your vegetables today, yes, the moon is in your sign. A fretful mother is the energy of the day.

Remind yourself that grounding will guide you! Go to the gym, or dance. Fluid movements today is the way to work with this energy. If you are thinking about fasting, today is a great day to do so. The strings of your heart are being pulled, combat that with physicality. Journals and writing come to mind today, and mountains. I see the symbol of birds for some of you out there… (DOVES?). If you feel a little too free, know that music is your best friend today! The keyword is purification and freedom.

Quite similar to your Taurus friends at the moment. Enjoy your own personal structure today. Money matters feel like they are clearing up for many of you from last year. Hold on one moment, ok now ask. That's the mantra for you. Do not be afraid to complain about something, however, be careful if you are experiencing difficulties from some of your coworkers, community at large, and family trusts. Guidance, I do see a sum of abundance headed towards you soon. Eat your greens!

The people around you might be stressing. Just be careful not to allow them to rub off on you! It's not you that is out of balance! It is their ego that is. You also have a fair say in this, and you will be polite for sure. If you are thinking about leaving a situation, today might not be THE day, but it is a good day to tell where your heart is regarding this decision. Trust yourself!

You live for this. Everyone is finally feeling what you feel. Some of you might have one particular person you do not get along with. Break bread with them if you can, but to not get too close. Let the energy of Venus moving into Pisces open you up to the possibility that you deserve something sweet as well. You are seen and heard if you want to be. Slink back into your hiding space later on in the day. Yes, there is some self-realization regarding a soul wound. You do not forget!

Out of sight out of mind? Where did the time go? I remember what I needed to do after all! Just get yourself in the game. You appreciate others, and the competition strengthens you! You already know it…according to you! Just listen to what others have to recommend. It's important to listen as well. Dreams become reality!

CANCER NEEDS YOU! I REPEAT! CANCER NEEDS YOU! Yes, you might be defending someone today, but at least you know how much you mean to them! If not a true "Cancer" it is someone who is emotional and might need to cry behind a closed door. Believe me, they do care about you too! A little quiet time with a partner will renew the energy. Very sweet, and full of love! You know when times are tough, you come in to pick up the pieces. Be the saint!

Strong working energy today. It's a career filled day, or you might feel like you are running around with no stop button. Enjoy, this is a good time for you to gain success when it comes to all matters. Ask for a promotion, or send off that resume. Emotions are experienced through others. Yes, flirt with that friend. They like you too! Remember to include everyone!

It is a nice day having the moon in your sister sign of Cancer. You might feel the collective shifts today, and others fears. Please understand you will not get in trouble if you speak up for yourself. You are an asset to this team. If someone is bullheaded around you, give them a hug, or at least see it's them and not you!
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for April 2017Horoscope for Yesterday April 2 2017
Horoscope for Tomorrow April 4 2017