Horoscope for April 7 2017
Take notes now about the financial matters and communication concerns now, Mercury stations to go retrograde in two days! There are harmonious aspects in the beginning of the day with the North Node of Fate and the Moon in Virgo in a harmonious trine to Mercury. The end of the day will close out an opposition between Neptune in Pisces and the Moon making life a little dreamier. Snuggle up with a loved one, it might be a quiet night.

Anything weird an unexpected going on at the moment? Expect the unexpected over the next few days with the Sun heading towards a conjunct with Uranus in Aries! There's a lot to accomplish, yet so much to be brought in. Enjoy this moment at this time, odd unworldly conversations and quirky individuals may enter your life at this time. Prophecy and general moments of brilliance are favored. Also see Libra.

Self-examination is the language of the moment. Here is a time for you to embrace what is ahead. There is no turning back on a deal…for now. That's the ultimate joke! If you are feeling a strange shift in your energy, work with the physical energy. Feeling homebound might be what is going on. Enjoy the little things today.

Get ready for Mercury retrograde as best as you can. In this case it will be a bit more grounded for your this time. Follow the lead of an earth sign. Just remember, you are not the only one feeling a bit out of sorts today! Your power color is orange especially lighter shades like peach.

For some, you might be feeling a lack of control. Is it just an illusion? Are you being guided to take the next step. Moving is promoted at this time, or matters of changing homes. Get out of something that no longer serves your own vision of success. Leadership is a great way to start, but not without a little bit of grit. Yes, love stories are going on, but it's not in the front of what needs to be taken care of today. Home and hearth for you. For those suddenly changing homes or places of residence, it will be a welcome change.

Today, not as fun as yesterday, but still has some added gifts! It is a great day for family health and making sure the younger members are safe and sound. Eating well and healthy is what is best recommended here. Splurge a little bit on good food. Financial and transportation needs are emphasized. Car problems or travel problems, keep AAA on your speed dial! Brown and earth tones are your power colors today!

A beautiful day to enjoy social events and spiritual activities. Gentleness and kindness are emphasized, even if you are fretting over mundane affairs. Wear something a little brighter today, add a little sparkle to appreciate the Moon in Virgo. Travel affairs may bring on success. Say hello to that special someone, they might just be the one who understands how unique and special you truly are!

Now you see me…now you don't! It is a day of magic and added sparkle, yet it is about you today! Or at least you think it is! Your partnerships might take on a selfish tone, yet is it selfish when you give so much to them? Hug a Taurus, or at least someone who needs to know you care. There's a lot of changes happening at once, embrace the return of the crop.

Appreciate the friends you have that really show you by example how much they will have your back. You are a dedicated person, yet right now you cannot quite pinpoint where things will go, trust that they will reflecting a greater perspective on your own reality. Coffee shops come to mind for some of you, and gentle music. The waves of life. Water activity is desirable today.

The way to enjoy this day is through music. Forcing anything will not help, even if you want your way. Leadership is great, but right now it is about compassion. Freelance activities are favorable, or those with gig work might find themselves hearing from or connecting with a great resource. Ask or enjoy financial balancing. It is almost like a seal with a beach ball, but at least it's a great story!

This might be a day for unwanted social affairs. For some this has a bit of an undertone of sadness, for others the best way to work with this is either putting some time in at the gym or a long walk by yourself. The excess energy is actually repressed anger, and will be prevalent over the next few days. Family matters are also in the forefront of your worries. If you give yourself a physical outlet, the rest will fall into place. Relax…it's a five letter word. Play with the energy of the Virgo Moon, it will give a little reprieve from your worries. A vacation to the mountains, or at least in your mind will help!

Stuck at home? Feeling upset? Uncontrollable Angst? Does this sound like a late night infomercial? Ride the waves here. Protect your heart today. Sudden financial changes may occur, but it is really about what you want for the longterm? Are you really truly happy? If not, give some deep contemplation today, and act of it tomorrow!

Who and what do you value today? Make sure it is yourself as well as those who truly love and care for you. The person you love will very much open their heart when you are ready to show it. There is an aspect of appreciating the little things, yet retreating into your safe space. It's ok to retreat at times, but get ready for another sunrise to show you the way. Dream big, and be rewarded. Your power colors are light blue and green.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for April 2017Horoscope for Yesterday April 6 2017
Horoscope for Tomorrow April 8 2017