Horoscope for April 29 2017
Today's astrological transits continue with the moon moving through Gemini for most of the day asking people to speak to one another. News and social events could be heightened at this time. The evening closes out with the moon moving into Cancer, allowing us all to process these last few days! Passions are high as Venus continues her journey through Aries. The flame is reignited for any!

Have someone on your mind at this time? Are you already with someone as well? You've got to make a choice and stop torturing yourself. Self-pity has no place here at this time. Keep moving forward with your career goals, that will help divert the energy at this time. Romance is favored, but may be almost obsessive to a degree. Your power color today is Pink!

This eclectic energy is working well with you if you are willing to adapt. You might be trying many new things at this time, and that is welcome. Dating new people is promoted right now. For this in longterm relationships this is a great time to have a couples night! Have fun and let yourself be free!

What an excellent time to have the moon in your sign! You have such a happy quality to yourself that people are unable to resist feeling joy when they are close by! You are experiencing a leadership role or taking on a task you never though you could. Lead through example! Your power color today is Green!

The day starts out moving, moving, moving and will feel a bit more grounding later on in the evening as the moon moves into your home sign. It's a great day to get things done early so that you can rest your feet at home. This is a great time for you to consider a romantic prospect or shift in your partnerships. This is for the better and deepens your commitments. There might be a difference between emotions and drive later on in the day. Your power color today is light Green!

This is a great day for you to just let passions soar. It is truly a great time for you to plan an event with a Gemini? Is a Gemini your boss or authority at this time? Or are you allowing yourself to be pushed around. That has no place in your life. Be careful for your health at this time, if anything is more sudden in nature take some time to handle it.

This is a great time for you to keep your head in the game. There are people around you that you can turn to for help as well. Work might be taking hold of you, but you are used to this. Those born in August will feel this pressure more keenly, for those born in September, you've been used to this energy for quite awhile now. A great meal is your reward today!

Physical routines are important to you today. Get some exercise or enjoy sports. It's a good way to manage any angst you are feeling. There are people with opposite views of yourself, do not let this deter you from including them in your life. You are madly in love with something right now. Enjoy this! Something new is entering your life. Soul opening is possible at this time! The Eagle is your power animal today.

Tricky energy is here for you at this time. In one case you feel the need to be taken care of (secretly) and on the other hand you have the need to give and express yourself to someone. Find a happy medium. There might be unrest around you as well, possibly in your own family. Someone else takes priority over your love life. You might have to be flexible today with your time. The evening brings some peace.

This is a hodgepodge of great energy around you. You can have a really good time with this. Work with it. Let is simmer. Be a bit cunning with your choices, but still remain friendly and kind. You might be clued into a job or career move on the way. Take action if you feel it in your gut, but really try and talk this out with someone you trust.

Are you still feeling a bit neglected at this time? Keep trying to reach out to friends and family around you. Spend some time listening to music a bit later on in the evening or spending time with family. This is a great shift in your own energy, and leaving a stressful situation might actually be the best medicine at this time. It might have seemed better than it actually was. Just appreciate your own insights at this time. The Eagle is also your power animal today.

Social justice is on the mind at this time. Your passion is flying high especially if you were born in January. It is about observing those around you, but it is aright to set something up for you and just one other person at this moment. Keep yourself focused and find that this will help you get around an interesting event. Social work is favored at this time!

This is an interesting day, allow yourself to open your mind to new ideas, especially around expression and your own career choices. There could be a major upgrade on the way. You are an important asset and you have an extreme ability to commit to most of your activities at this time. Romance could provide some confusion, and might take a backseat at this time or you might be the person being pursued. Enjoy this day thoroughly.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for April 2017Horoscope for Yesterday April 28 2017
Horoscope for Tomorrow April 30 2017