Horoscope for April 19 2017
Today is a great day of energy as the Sun moves from Aries into Taurus later on in the evening (EST). The Moon will also be changing signs from Capricorn to Aquarius earlier in the afternoon. This exchange of energy will allow for a steadier and more detached pace today. Work is accomplished with a more relaxed and observational view of your own energy and others behavior. Give yourself space! Mercury is also aligning with the Sun, as this planet is still retrograde. This brings a point of harmony and grounding to Mercury retrograde. It is a good day to send out information and emails that need to be sent! Even though it is a retrograde, there is a sigh of relief! There is a respectful tone in love today.

As the sun shifts out of your sign into Taurus today, the question is what did you learn from your own energy? How can you take this into your year ahead? What is it you truly desire for yourself right now. Yes, there are indeed more questions than answers right now, but that is the whole point to self discovery. Moves are welcome at this time, although they might be re-defined in May.

This is an interesting energy today. Detached views on your own energy. It is not as romantic as you would like it to be, but it is a really great lesson. There is a need to be in a social setting here. Sporting activities are favored for you. You are at an advantage here! Trust yourself! Be careful not to overspend! Your power instrument is the Piano!

Healing hands is the phrase that comes to mind right now. What do you see when you look in the mirror? You are your own twin at this time! A family member may possibly be the main focus at the moment. Meditation is a really great activity for you right now to clean the cobwebs out of your brain! Bodywork and body care would be awesome! Parrots and other colorful birds are your Power Animals today!

Do you feel like a victim? No you are not! Let it go! Dance if you feel the need! Something might not be your personal problem, but is on your mind in a profound way. Know you will transcend any difficulties, communicate with someone you care about. You actually might be on the receiving end of some news today. Look for a subtle feather of wisdom today!

This is a good day for hard work. It's not glamorous, it is sort of the day-to-day activities that shift you ahead. Great time to study or put your nose in a book! Teaching is favorable for you today. As long as it is self-taught. It's more internal than most days, but will help you in future affairs. Love takes some time right now. Another person may inspire you, they might be quite the opposite of you.

A really nice time to let go of a situation that's been holding you back. Who is in your immediate support network? Conflict lifts from the past. Send out communication to someone you've been meaning to speak to. Your family is on your mind, so let them know this! No need to hide from the world! Your energy will increase if you take care of your diet! Your power color is Green.

Changes are great right now! There is a much benefit to saying goodbye. If you are worried about a money struggle, that will move forward a bit later in the year. For those experiencing this through another person, well it is their own mess to clean up. You are more of an emotional support right now. Do not worry, good karma goes a long way. Let yourself have some space a bit later in the day as well. Find your happy place! Your power colors are Ivory and shades of Cream.

Well hello there Scorpio! You are feisty? There is a lot of responsibility right now. You are in an interesting situation that you know you can handle. Competition is fierce, but do not let that fool you! You know what you are doing, and you are not afraid to bring out the stinger. If you face a challenge with someone later in the evening, give it your all. You've done your homework. They have not! Your power color is Orange.

Someone out there has a broken heart? Going somewhere where you can be social, yet do not have to talk to anyone might be the best recommendation for today. Spiritual events are strongly connected to your soul, as you are a true healer of the zodiac! Make-up with a person if you can. Communication could be difficult today, so give it a few days. Orange is you power color as well! Capture your creativity!

The day started out great and then you felt a shift later on in the day? What did you learn in the last 24 hours that has gotten you greater knowledge about what you desire? World events come to mind. Finances possibly are what you are truly worried about. Yes, saving for a rainy day is the suggestion here. Love affairs are there any right now? Or are you caught up in a dream?

Who is your mate? Soulmate? Happiness? Where are you going? Traveling? Moving? Why is it hard to put your thoughts into concrete ideas? When will this all move forward? Steady at work? Or crazy as usual? Why do people always come to you for help at the most inopportune time? Did you get called in at the last minute? It's one of those days. A day to think.

Feeling a bit more grounded later in the day? Good, there might be an emotional situation you are not quite ready for. Let yourself feel it, and cry if you have to. Venus is working with you specifically right now to clean up your love life. She really wants to guide you towards higher love. Even if it means letting this dream go so another one can come in!
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for April 2017Horoscope for Yesterday April 18 2017
Horoscope for Tomorrow April 20 2017