Horoscope for April 20 2017
Today's daily horoscope brings a harmonious quality to past communications as the Sun and Mercury are aligned in Taurus earlier in the day. This might be associated with your own heart's journey. Let a romance come into fruition. There is a need to follow a romantic path today. Mid-day brings on a great time for expanding knowledge and self-awareness as the Moon in Aquarius trines Jupiter in Libra. Jupiter allows for the spiritual doorways to open and shift! There is a connection to a higher path today. This is a great journey, and it will be throughout this entire year that new gifts are brought into fruition. Meditation, yoga, and other spiritual activities are favored for all today. Passionate communication is really where it is at right now.

Remember the good times, and follow your heart's desire. It is truly about LOVE right now. Even if it choosing yourself over someone else. Your family is very important to you, and you must be there as a source of comfort for someone. Learning from past mistakes is the lesson you will take on for the next few days, or at least until May 3rd. Embrace this road! Falcons are you power animal for today!

Remember any mistakes that happened in the past are the past. It is so easy to flog yourself instead of checking in on yourself in the present. The mirror is your friend today. You are a shining star for so many in this world. So listen to music that empowers you. It is time to embrace the transformation ahead! This will make more sense in a few more days!

"Where have all the flowers gone?" That is a question that must be asked at this point. How many people need to come up to you with a request? This is a great project or job you are involved with. It is just your creative touch that might be the winner here! Career might just start to play a more important role in your life right now. Do not let the dreams of others get in your way! You are the power today… get ready for May!

Have people accused you of being cold? Warm it up with a little romance then! Make time for that, as dating is a favored task right now. Your home life is important for you, and if you are searching for your true roots this is a good time to remind yourself that an answer is right around the corner. Adoption is something that comes to mind right now. Or feeling like an orphan? Your power color is Red!

Follow the lead of someone right now. Romance is still right there in your mind. Give it a few days is the advice of the day for many! It is important to express the fact that you see someone for who they are! And you love it! Passionate affairs could be what you are after right now. Do not be afraid to let someone know where you stand here! Tell it like it is!

Are you in a place where you have no idea how to work with this energy right now? It's ok, you are supposed to feel a little out-of-your-element. Remember, respect yourself! That might have been advice given over previous weeks as well. That is in all realms, romance, career, and friendships. Do not let anyone take advantage of you, and let them know if they are! Tell the truth! Your power animal is the mythical dragon!

You have beautiful harmony with the moon in Aquarius today, which brings an added element of luck for you today. There is so much you can do with this energy - expand your mind, go on a metaphysical journey, a yoga retreat, or even spend sometime learning about a new subject you are truly interested in. It is a really nice day, full of love and harmony, and a great relief form earlier on in the week!

There might be a feeling of disconnect from others today, but that will help you recharge your batteries. Give extra time for travel today, as you might be feeling a bit sleepy or even under-the-weather. The Taurus energy at this time can be beneficial, and if you are truly obsessing over someone, it is truly important to be honest about your feelings at this time. They may have been waiting for a response from you for quite sometime. Is there an apology needed to be given? Which side? If you say it's there fault, chances are it's from both perspectives. Your power colors are Purple and Turquoise!

Stronger than yesterday? Yes, it might be an old idea, but that is what this Moon has you looking at. There is a great expansion for you in the metaphysical department. It is a great time for spiritual journeys and connecting to the world beyond the veil. Be safe, and journey wisely! Fire is your spiritual element, so let it burn, safely that is! Palo santo and Sage will work well with you today!

Listening to stringed instruments will help open your heart and mind to new ideas. It just seems like there is a roadblock here. Get past it by finally facing it. Yes, this conversation probably needs to happen, and probably a long time ago! Nobody is allowed to boss you around if you are the boss! Foam rollers are your friend right now… the kind for your muscles not your hair!

This is a fantastic day for your sign! Enjoy your time with friends, family, lovers, and all things new! Open up your arms and embrace this journey. Speak to the cosmos! You are heard and understood. With so much on your side today, really enjoy who you are, and others will be truly inspired just by being around you. Pale blue and silver are your colors today!

Still dealing with heart desire? So many great questions in life. Just be honest about your feelings. People will listen to you, as long as you know what you want. Put out good energy for yourself and set intentions behind it! Journeys will provide you great wisdom for your future. Enjoy the mystical and the mythical!
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for April 2017Horoscope for Yesterday April 19 2017
Horoscope for Tomorrow April 21 2017