Horoscope for April 5 2017
There is a strong aspect of desire and strength today that feels pulled towards passionate affairs. If you are seeking out love, today is the day. IF you need to have a difficult conversation, know that it will work out. If you are trying to learn or start new things, this is a great time to get ready, you have a few days left until Mercury goes retrograde! The Moon will be moving through the sociable sign of Leo! The spotlight is favored for many, but there are some who will need the help of friends.

You are in the pocket of success and sudden changes. This will be over the next few days. Shine on Aries, let yourself grow and expand. Understand the key to success is embracing something new, and will help you in the immediate future. The next month is going to prove to be a flash before your eyes, but you will find your own light. You are the light at this moment!

Feeling the need to change your job? Do you need a promotion? Does it feel like "Groundhog Day" right now? IT is supposed to for a little while. Keep your head down today and keep it moving. Yes, love is on the way. If you are feeling a bit misunderstood, that is the case right now. Things will be in need of taking anew approach. It's the issue of discovering how to work with other egos. The happy time is internal! It's ok to ask a loved one for help today!

The song "Freedom" by George Michael comes tom mind. This is a journey for your at the moment, but you will find that there is so much more you have to learn and remember these days. Where did all of these new people come from? Social activities are favored, and will pay off as long as you see this is a longer journey than you expected. Take good care of your health right now, time might feel faster than it normally is.

The first word I heard was "Memorials" - for some of you this might be an actual memorial, or this might be due to the upcoming Mercury Retrograde. IS there something nostalgic on your mind? I know it can be hard to keep it locked in your heart, but it might not be the time to express it. Let yourself soften to the idea that your lovely just the way you are. Let life capture your heart, and allow yourself to dream a little bit!

The Moon is in your sign today! Talk it up, flirt it up, sweetness, honey towards the beginning of the day. Taurus needs you right now! Yes, it is a difficult relationship and they are stubborn, but maybe each of you serve as a lesson for each other! Is there someone on your mind that you just cannot get out? That's ok, they are thinking of you as well! The evening is time for contemplation. Work is not favored today, but do what you got to do. Self care is strongly recommended.

Some of you might be preparing other people's lives. You have to set up some boundaries. Some of you might be a little bit confused, feeling some wounds you never wanted to face. Sorry, you got to feel this, it is part of the lesson of time and space. Detaching is the normal response for many, but the advice is to let yourself really enjoy. I feel like a Virgo out there has a had a recent loss. This is for you. For those enjoying all of the little lessons given to you, really conquer yourself and you are going far. Appreciate this journey here, it is for you. Something bold, something new. Do it! Enjoy nature/art if you can.

Your voice - use it. Right now, say what you need to say. You are important to this group or this project. Conceptual art for some of you. This is a design that creates the mosaic of self. You can create from a place of LOVE !!!! Energy will boost over these next few weeks, even with Mercury retrograde. You will be alright. Communications lessons are huge right now! Keep speaking! Even if it is just saying, "Nope, not anymore!" You are super integral in this, and you serve an important position here. Power color here - Turquoise/Blue.

I see a wise soul out there who has had it with something. There is a balance between personal choice and necessity for the truth. Shift will occur, but it's like a fine wine. Again, this day just requires the grace in Balance. Whether it's in your finances or work at large. Relationships are important, and you will find success if you The picture that comes to mind here is a "Quiet and Gentle Snowstorm"… it might have been an event for some of you, or it might be the symbol here. There is some kind of storm, yet there is poetry to be found in this moment.

Reorganizing and preparing. Enjoy the Moon in Leo and all of these Aries planets, they got your back today! Those goals you set for yourself last year are truly going to or are on the brink of coming into fruition. It's a crossroad time for some, career is emphasized over love, as love will happen later. For those in a great love situation, your partner might take a backseat at this time, or that is planning activities take much of your attention. There is electricity in the air! Wear something shiny! Embrace the dark and the light!

Might be either inspiring for you through working on activities or observing others, or this might be a day of agitation. It depends on how you feel about the word "Passion". If you respond to it by saying "Meh" then look within. IF you embrace it, then you will find that you learn quickly by enjoying group activities. At least give it a chance! Your power color today is - Yellow!

All in all not that bad today! It is quite a good day to appreciate outdoor or theatrical activities. Your partner might be in need of a romantic outing. Enjoy each other's company! For single Aquarius, you are at an advantage at this time, so spend time with other people. Detach from your ego, and let your energies flow. You might uncover a hidden agenda towards a goal you did not even realize you were intending to obtain!

Glowing in love? Is that a smile on your face? Open up to the infinite possibilities that this Universe has for you! Small animals and children come to mind today. Or you might just be feeling the need to donate to or help out organizations that stimulate involvement in numerous humanitarian causes. It's ok to cry! Enjoy an activity that not only feeds others, but also feeds you! Endings bring new beginnings!
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for April 2017Horoscope for Yesterday April 4 2017
Horoscope for Tomorrow April 6 2017