Horoscope for April 23 2017
Today's astrological journey brings with it the question, HEART WOUNDS? The wounded healer expresses themselves today. Let tasks unfold gently, this is a day to be extremely kind to yourself. The moon is continuing to move through Pisces, and adds softness in our emotional selves. Expressions of today might become internal and possess a quality of irrational behavior as well. Spend time near the water if possible. Be calm and dream on! Your power metal for the day is Silver!

Are you happy with yourself right now? Romantic adventures of the past are still on your mind? Just let yourself heal right now. It's ok to cry, even if you are generally a very tough sign. Spending time with groups to help yourself heal is a great task. Music is your best friend right now. You are very creative and emotional yourself, let people see your softer side.

Steam rises? It's a really good time to seek out romance. Drugs and alcohol need to be consumed with caution at this time. Religion and spirituality take a major part in your life right now. This is a great time for contemplation and loosing yourself in art and nature. Mothers and parents are important at this time. Adding Cilantro to your meal might be exactly what's needed!

Something doesn't feel so fun right now. It's possibly another day of quiet contemplation. People really enjoy hearing you sing or play an instrument. Create something special and it will be fully embraced. You are a powerful healer. Blue is your power color for today!

The energy is nicely aligned now with romantic ventures. Possibly enjoying a journey with a loved one or loved ones. You have many talents, and this is a great time to put them to action or at least recognize that you can combine them! Your power animal is the moose!

Feeling a bit detached from reality right now? That's aright, go see a great movie or play. The energy is really great for people in creative careers. You are going to have to really push through this today, but you are up to the challenge. Get yourself motivated early in the morning to provide the best momentum!

This is a wonderful day for romance! You are ready, you've prepared and done all of the work. Enjoy this time! People are really open to your energy at this time. You are really brave right now. Be honest with another person if you have feelings for them. Keep that heart-space open! Career is going well, it will still be there tomorrow!

Shining stars brighten the path ahead as you follow the poetry of your own transformative elements. Put your heart into these tasks, and find that there is space for you on the podium! You are a greatly desired person, and your presence is welcome at any event. Give yourself the time to grow from any pain resurfacing. You will find a simple resolution to a seemingly difficult and tedious task.

Choppy feelings today if you do not allow yourself to properly rest. You truly still need as much rest as possible and absolute recharging. Order delivery if you need to! The energy really does require a lot of extra time. Your heart is on the front page right now in your novel, so just let is settle for now.

Home grown hero? Matters of the military come to mind for some reason? Anyone coming to visit you? Thinking about a difficult deacon that may occur mid-day (EST). There is a feeling of needing to run away from responsibility. It's a good time for it for sure, but is it the best decision to make today? Probably not, wait for at least 24 hours. A sudden phone call may serve as a very important starting point at this moment, even if you are the person to initiate it at this moment. You only live once (or so they say)!

Does love last forever? Not always, but you'll never know if you do not try. Let this energy expand your mind into a new approach towards romance. Your family is going to be safe, and your career really does need to take a backseat right now. Love is what you need to focus on right now. Really do give it a chance! If someone is not treating you correctly, then ask if that is REALLY LOVE?!?!?! Eagle is your power animal at this moment.

You kind of just have to go with the flow at this moment and take time to let things happen. It's more of a time to focus on details, and you might not enjoy that as much. Do not worry, the details will be pinpointed over the next week or so. It is time to truly review what inspired you to get to this point? You might have to look towards the sign of Leo and Scorpio right now. Taurus will help you in a few more days.

Where did you end up going today? Staying at home alone with your phone at your side. Are there a lot of people you still need to contact? That's aright, wait until late tonight or tomorrow. Give yourself more space and extra care for your lungs today. Get in your vitamin C! The moon energy is nicely moving through your sign, but will be a pain on your health if you are not taking care of yourself properly. Same with Scorpios!
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for April 2017Horoscope for Yesterday April 22 2017
Horoscope for Tomorrow April 24 2017