Horoscope for April 22 2017
Today's astrological transits bring about dreams and fantasy as the Moon moves through Pisces today connecting with the planet Neptune. There is a spiritual awakening in many ways, but is this real? There is a lot of that feeling right now, what is truly real? Connecting to the spiritual sides of life is important at this time, the ocean, music, poetry, all things that make you feel completely one with your emotions. Tears are possible today. Your heart wounds are healing over the next 48 hours. Reiki and crystal therapy will be helpful for some of you!

Wow those heart wounds, right?!? Do you have a lost love here? They are lost at sea and never returning, or at least in your minds eye. Today is sadly not a day for answers, just a day to feel the pain that you haven't quite been able to put words to. Strength can simply be in self-preservation. "Gold Lion" by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs is a great power song for today!

This is a day of romance and family. You might be a little lost for a better part of the day, but it's a great story. Spend some time at home for part of today. Be careful around drugs and alcohol. Grounding can be subtle today, just remember don't dishonor your dreams! They serve a great purpose for you!

Talk to me now! Are you feeling a bit more urgency than ever? It's ok, let this energy move for a few more days. Communication is still quite important right now. Writing, letters, journals, publications all allow for you to express yourself harmoniously. Submitting proposals for authorship is a great plan at this time.

The moon is harmonious with your sign of Cancer, which is providing inspiration for your dreams. Dreamwork is very important at this moment. Whether small or large, you can set yourself up for success at this moment in time. Romance is quite favorable at this time. Your career might feel like it's taking a backseat!

You might be in need of rolling with the tides today. Let this quieter energy stir up inspiration for you. Your muse is someone you have yet to meet? Are you thinking of a past love? Now is a good time to check in with them. Be very subtle and gentle. Your joy is needed in somebody's world! Your power color is Yellow!

Having trouble getting through this day? Is it like swimming in a pond for you? It's supposed to feel that way. Tasks around water are favored for today. Gentle love is totally favorable for the entire day as well. Cooking a meal for loved ones is the greatest way to express how you feel, or enjoying family time.

Spiritual developments are quite positive for you today. This is a day to allow yourself to meditate on healing up a wound of your past. You will be cleansed by tomorrow. Activities near water are favored for today. Express yourself through calm and harmonious actions. Words take on a more romantic vibration throughout the day.

This might be a more gentle energy for you to appreciate today. A great day to spend at home and really regrouping your energy. This is a great time to accept that which you are unable to control. Communications are going to have to wait for a little while. Not today. Enjoy the silence. Read Pisces, it's not as intense, but they feel just as much.

You do not need to answer any questions today. Just observe. Enjoy and proceed with caution to your next steps. Mars is opposite your sign allowing for new contracts to form, but today is not the day. Destiny is opening up for you, and will be over the next few weeks. Tonight enjoy a small group or family gathering. A bonfire perhaps, sharing bread and wine is favored!

You are an animal of a different design and that involves you climbing the mountains that others may not even see or have yet to understand. Spending time alone is very much favored for today, especially if it's on a spiritual retreat… to the MOUNTAINS! You might feel like a hermit at this time, but it will provide you with important insights on your next steps.

Uniqueness and authenticity. That is where it's at today. Slightly less social today? Or just in need of regrouping your emotions? This is an important planning period for you. Sudden communications might come in throughout the day, however, you do not need to make a final decision at this moment. There is really a bit of competing energy for you today. Your power color is Green.

Get yourself some flowers today. Share them if that makes you feel better as well. You are a very special person, and part of the journey being so sensitive is picking up on all of the world around you. This is what makes you powerful. You might be on a spiritual retreat at this time, whether it's just in your own home or out in a secluded location. This is the energy of this time, and you need some rest! You'll inspire others with your words. Your power stones are diamonds and selenite! Purification time!
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for April 2017Horoscope for Yesterday April 21 2017
Horoscope for Tomorrow April 23 2017