Horoscope for April 11 2017
Today's Astrology starts off with a full moon in the sign of Libra conjunct the spiritually abundant planet of Jupiter! This full moon is quite active in the emotions and relationships department as it is opposite Uranus the disrupter, and Square Pluto the great transformer! If you need a tissue today, or some space, that's ok! Lots of deep feelings going on right now, and many around you will be feeling the same exact way. Just know that a full-moon is a releasing energy, so pent up anger and emotions are likely to be the main trigger of this moon. It is a great time to let go of old and unwanted things to allow your heart wounds to heal. This is a great time to turn towards the spiritual side of life for guidance, and also a great day to sleep in or give yourself some kind of reward for your hard work! Pay attention to the relationship stories happening out in the world, they might reflect what is going on in your own life! There might be a sudden news story regarding the need to suddenly balance finances or investments. Pay attention to shoulder pain for many. The power color of this moon for everyone I feel is Green and hints of Blue and Pink undertones!

Today is a special day in the stars. The full moon is opposite your sign in Libra which may bring on news of finance, you feel a lot of energy and no real place to put it. It might feel a bit much, but this will only be the impetus to drive you further to success. You are the "I am" energy and with this Libra energy it's making you start to see the "We Are" portions in your life. Embrace the change, and know a partnership is here if you so choose. Business partnerships can be at a sink-or-swim moment, but a better one will be on the way.

There is a transformational element to this full moon. Your partner is your life for some of you! Enjoy the solidity of this relationship, and appreciate the good times. For single Taurus, romance might be on your mind at the moment, get yourself out there, and stop hiding in your work! You are a star, so let it shine! Confidence is the key here! Release any old fears with this full moon! You deserve the best!

You are actually in quite good aspect to this Libra energy. Your sign is experiencing a great boost of cosmic alignment towards your goals, dreams, and partnerships. For those ready to move on this is a great time to let go of an old romance so that you can put yourself out there again! For committed Gemini, this is a wonderful time to renew your partnerships, go on a vacation, plan for a baby, and just enjoy each other's company! Difficulties now are lessons that bring you closer together, and closer to yourself. You have a special power color today, Yellow!

This is an intense full moon for your natal sign. Yes, the energies are quite locked, and you need never underestimate your power and duties to yourself. Career questions and concerns are on your mind, but there is a bigger picture here that you are yet to see. It is more than just romance, it is more than the mundane. You cannot quite put your finger on the emotion, because it is no time yet. Suggestion, go to the beach or walk by the water. Let the ocean tell you the story. For those who live inland, music, baths, or just sitting alone for five minutes! This is a good time to recharge your energy. Let the future reset in 48 hours! It's all about the present right now. Your power animal is the butterfly!

This is a great full moon for your energy if you allow it to be! Yes, emotions are high, and you might have a work crisis at-hand, but it is time to move on. You put in the time for them, and now it's about your heart and soul. What is it that you truly desire and want for yourself? For the coupled Leo, this is an amazing night for romance in all capacities! You might have to initiate the feeling, but you are the leader today! For Single Leo's, great time for you to date, do not let any recent heartbreak keep you from being seen tonight! Even if you are just going to the grocery store or gym! Smile at a stranger, or strike up a conversation at a coffee shop. You never know, let that heart be your guide!

It is an emotional time for many of you right now. Your journey is aligned with structure and organization, and part of this emotional turmoil is not on your list right now. That's the point. The feelings of this moon are not supposed to be aligned with your data plots or your need for security. This is a time to feel a little "off balance". The great outdoors is always the best medicine for your sign, or gardening. Anything that allows you to be around nature or a spiritual center. Someone truly loves you, so get your head out of the books and look up, they are right in front of you! Dogs are your power animal today!

Wow what a day Libra! The full moon is right in your own sign! Success, will-power, relationships, family dynamics, finances, and sudden unexpected "who knows whats" are in alignment with this moon today. If your car breaks down, and you meet a hunky fireman all while being fired from your job only to be hired the next day into a better position - this is the energy that's going on for you right now! It's hard to even place it, but it's happening for you! Your spiritual center is opening up, and what was old just now has no place in your life. If something needs to leave, say goodbye, it's time. You are strong and powerful, a partner will always find you when it's the right time. This is a journey after all. Talk to an Aries friend today if possible, or go out with a Leo. You need a little fire around you! Great conversations bring you to an intense creative realization. Spend some time alone in the morning, but get out there mid-day and in the evening. It feels like the day is over in the blink of an eye! Your power tip of the day - expect the unexpected!

This is an intense day, as all full moons can be for your sign. You are deeply connected to feelings and emotions, and in this case, really embrace time alone at the beginning of the day. Observe the world around you, and move gently on your path. Meditation and exercise are greatly encouraged today, and possibly taking the day off from work or shifting around responsibilities. Work may bring you a day of hasty or quick correspondence, but try not to take anything to heart. You will get negotiations sorted out, but it does take a lot of work with everyone else's energies flying around. Family matters are important as well, if anyone is feeling ill around you, take it one step at a time. This might not be as fun, but you have the energy to work with it!

This is a great moon for you to continue your attitudes towards success. If you are thinking about starting your own business, this is a great time to take some steps towards promotion and networking. There is a lot to accomplish here, embrace the relationships in your life that provide you with moral support. Those are the most important people for you to care for. Spend some time with them today, and really let them know that you care. This might be a busy night for those that work in the restaurant and travel/hospitality industry. Breath-in and breath out! At least you are making money tonight! Entrepreneurship is emphasized today, and being self-made. You got here, or you are making the correct steps right now. Embrace this task, and keep on going.

This is an emotional day, you might feel a bout of depression that came from seemingly nowhere. Embrace your work and your time alone today. You might meet someone that comes into your life for either a short period of time, or on a seven year cycle. Marriages might suffer from your emotional distance today. Be as honest as you can, or go to the movies by yourself. it is kind of one of those days. Coffee is your power drink today to be honest. Today might not be emotionally processed until a few days from now.

This is a rather great moon to work with the energy of your sign today! Especially if you were born in the later month January through February. Emotional tasks can be playful, and your light is much needed for partners today. Have fun, laugh, go out, and learn something new. It's a day of comedy for you! Appreciate something, and try to make a charmingly bold statement in your outfits! Beauty routines are favored for today as well, so any form of self-pampering is welcome! Your power color - Pink, Grey, and anything bright!

This moon is working with you if you are open to the energy of partnerships right now. For those having affairs, be careful. Today you might really feel neglected in that set-up. Be kind to your partners, and try and find a happy medium with yourself and others. You might be thinking of someone else today in an obsessive manner. Decide whether or not you need or want them in your life. If they do serve a great purpose for your soul, let them in, if not, keep your tasks focused on your future. School and education are emphasized today. Expansion in the realms of wisdom and spiritual direction. Your power animal - peacock.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for April 2017Horoscope for Yesterday April 10 2017
Horoscope for Tomorrow April 12 2017