Horoscope for November 2012

Horoscope for November 2012 The solar eclipse of November 13th will show you where your lives are most vulnerable for the next six months and this will start on November 12th carrying into November 13th, the day of the solar eclipse. Take heed to protect yourself psychically. Keep your auras brilliant and strong and do not use drugs and alcohol to excess; get plenty of rest and guard your health diligently. There may be emotional violence in your lives during this time and extra sensitivity. This sensitivity is not necessarily wrong, but utilizes heightened imagination and channels spirit guides to help open your heart to feel pure and unconditional love. This will keep the restlessness and irritably away. On the 13th of November you may find that your mind will be foggy and poetic at the same time which makes November the ideal time to do creative writing or to meditate. It is a time of detox, changing and beginning. November is also a month of celebrating and of finishing projects. You need to keep your lives free from toxins in the foods you eat, the drinks you drink, the thoughts you think, and the careers you work in. Be careful not to overload your life. Pace yourself. Be cognizant of the astrology perspective that tells you when the Sun disappears during a solar eclipse, evil tends to rule and the implications are seen in every birth sign and in every aspect of the planet. This solar eclipse may bring about pandemics, strange sicknesses, earth tremors and weather unpredictably. On a personal level it can bring about shudders in the soul, a changing of thought patterns and dark happenings in careers and relationships.

The penumbral lunar eclipse on November 28, 2012 will be the very last eclipse of the year. This event is a celestial moment that occurs when the moon comes between the Earth and the Sun. When the earth blocks the illuminations from the moon, it often brings about a spiritual awakening that forces you to look into your inner spiritual reality. You will find that you may need to make drastic changes in your life, career and relationships and you need to discover the real you; not the imaginary and false you.

A time of beginnings, endings and major changes is represented by the lunar eclipse in November. Changes are tied to how we use the information we are given. Emotions will run high in November and this will cause upsets and feelings of disenchantment. Watch for high energy on November 25th and after November 28th. You will be able to accomplish more than you realize during these days. You may take on greater challenges but feel restless and pressured by deadlines, emotions and crisis. Excitement will be heightened and arguments can become heated between loved ones. Be aware of what the lunar and solar implications of the sun and moon in November and guard against highs and lows.

Horoscope for November 2012 for each zodiac sign

Horoscope for each day of November 2012