Horoscope for March 18 2017
The moon in Sagittarius is giving us the desire to really gain some knowledge to assist us in bettering our day to day activities. Whether that be as small as a few un-known facts that can assist us on the work front, or even as large as gaining some new insight into our dietary functions—knowledge right now is a very powerful thing.

Today, Aries, you will feel the desire to gain a little bit of knowledge on how to do things in a more systematic manner. Maybe you'll want to learn a new trick or two, or perhaps you'll just be on an endless quest for knowledge. It is best not to fight against whatever drives you today. Consider this a learning experience—one that you will definitely benefit from in the future.

Today Taurus ideas may come to you out of thin air that will assist you in really making a few positive changes in your everyday dealings. Answers to questions that you may not have believed would ever come could present themselves in the most unusual ways. Instead of resisting any change, try your hardest to embrace the information that you are being given. A little bit of insight never hurt anyone.

Now that the intensity of the moon in Scorpio has been lifted into a more optimistic Sagittarian feel, you may find that you feel a tad bit rebellious today Gemini. Try your hardest not to make a scene as you explore new avenues and ideas - you can really benefit spiritually from all of the knowledge you're being given, you just must be able to remain level headed in order to do so.

Today, Cancer, you may be feeling as though you'd be better off spending some time alone. Now that the emotionalism has died down you are being given the ability to really seek out a few answers. Although spending time with others may also be tempting, it's important for you to take the time to truly listen to your own inner guidance.

Feeling a bit like a free-spirited rebel today, Leo? Now that the restraints of the past few days are lifted you're able to see things much more optimistically. As long as you do not allow yourself to go buck wild as far as financial matters go, you should be able to find a way to truly let off a little bit of steam in a very positive manner that will aid in your development.

If you've been dealing with any issues of uncertainty today with a partner, today you may be able to reach a resolution, Virgo. You just need to make sure you are able to remain objective and caring about the feelings of others. Don't allow any potential frustrations to ruin any possibilities for the relationship advancing to a much brighter stage of development. Listen intently—but also make sure your voice is heard as well.

Although you may have been feeling down in the dumps the past couple of days, Libra, today you're feeling as though the possibilities are endless. After a dark period, such as this, it is very relieving to feel as though there is a light at the end of the tunnel, isn't it? Take what you learned during that time and use it to apply positive changes to your life. If you're feeling confined in any area of your life—it is time to break free!

Try your hardest to refrain from indulging in any meaningless gossip today, Scorpio. Although it might be tempting to connect with others by indulging a few clues, the other people involved could end up hurt by your actions. Instead, try using your active imagination for more creative purposes. You may be surprised at just how many ideas come to you easily and freely.

Today you could find yourself a bit shocked by just how different you're feeling emotionally, Sagittarius. Does it feel as though you're coming back into yourself today? With the moon in Sagittarius assisting you in feeling an extra dose of optimism it's important that you don't allow the constraints of yesterday to cause you to make any rash decisions. Don't play with the emotions of others—present yourself in an honest and reliable way or there could be problems later.

If possible, try your hardest to just go with the flow today Capricorn. Although you're not one for simply just floating on by, today it may be your best option to simply just absorb as much information as you possibly can. You may find that those around you appear to be fairly moody, and that's completely alright—try your hardest to remain sensitive to the things that may be troubling them. It's important to listen to what others have to say.

Today you may be feeling as though you'd much rather kick back and relax than get too much done, Aquarius. After the intensity of the past few days, you deserve to do exactly that. But whether or not you'll actually allow yourself to sit still is an entirely different matter. Regardless of your actions, there's a good chance that you won't be feeling as though you are willing to be confined in any way, shape, or form. Go ahead and break free—you deserve to rebel a little bit.

There's a good chance that today, Pisces, you could be feeling a little bit restless and impatient. Luckily, you are being given the ability to make quick and precise decisions if you choose to utilize this extra dose of stamina. If not, it may be in your benefit to not plan anything that would make you feel as though you're being forced to conform to any rules that could hinder your creativity. You're brimming with energy—make sure to use it wisely.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for March 2017Horoscope for Yesterday March 17 2017
Horoscope for Tomorrow March 19 2017