Horoscope for March 14 2017
With the assistance of the Libra moon to add a nose dose of balance to the dreamy nature of the sun in Pisces, we are able to weigh the pros and cons of all of our actions much more easily. Thoughts drift to that of love and fun, and we feel the desire to focus on creating harmony within our most intimate relationships.

Feelings are drifting towards a place that promotes harmony and balance, Aries. Relationships may be heavily in focus now—and a desire for sweet nothings and beauty is much stronger than usual. Don't allow your take charge attitude to ruin any potential chances at love. If you're feeling a stronger desire than usual to partner up and get serious, why not give it a shot?

Today Taurus you may be feeling the desire to really enjoy all of the Venusian rays you've been granted. There's an air of harmony making its way through the universe, and you just can't help but enjoy the peace. A desire to truly wait things out is evident, although taking a stand and really going after what you want may be evident as well. Just try to keep things as simple as possible.

A little bit of this and a little bit of that end up being your MO today Gemini. You could feel the desire to dabble in all kinds of things that you typically wouldn't be too interested in exploring. Luckily, you're being granted the drive to do exactly that. Who knows, you could find that you enjoy doing things a little bit differently.

Family relationships and spending time with children may take on a very harmonious nature today, Cancer. A craving for beauty, equality, and harmony is very evident in your interactions with others. If you're feeling a desire to really allow your romantic side to shine, don't hesitate to show a few people just how much you care. You'll be pleasantly surprised to see just how much they enjoy the effort.

With the moon in Libra standing behind you, you could find yourself drawn towards creative pursuits today. Luckily, you'll be given the ability to really allow your emotionalism to flow into whatever creative medium you choose to indulge yourself in. Go ahead and get all crafty—whatever you create is sure to bring you pleasure.

On the work front, Virgo, you could feel the desire to really push a few people to just get along already. Luckily, you know exactly how to help—it's more so a matter of whether or not others are willing and able to go along with your plans. Be assertive, but don't push too hard—everything is sure to fall into place.

With the moon nestled in your sign today Libra you could feel like everything is flowing very nicely. Whether that be in your relationships with others or even your work relationships, people just appear to be humming a very familiar tune. Venusian energy is something that you yourself are very comfortable with already. So why not show them how it's done—get out there and mingle!

Beauty, Harmony, and simplicity are all in the cards today Scorpio. Your intensity is dulled and you are given the ability to really think before you speak. Your interactions with others flow smoothly and you may feel the desire to do something special for someone that you care about. Trust that if you do choose to do so, you will be rewarded for it later.

Feeling the desire to make life a little bit more adventurous, Sagittarius? Today you may be given the opportunity to do exactly that! Just try to keep your fiery energy at a minimum, and allow yourself to slow down and enjoy the simple things in life.

Although normally very focused on taking responsible action, today you could feel a desire to really go out and have a little bit of fun. Don't worry, Capricorn, work will always be there waiting for you tomorrow. Enjoy this time with those closest to you—everyone could use to feel appreciated every now and then.

A desire to really get out there and meet a few people might be evident today, Aquarius. If you've had your eye on someone, now may be the time to introduce yourself. You are granted the ability to do so in a very calm and charming manner. Who knows, the love of your life could be waiting for your call.

It could feel as though all of your dreams are coming true today Pisces. A desire to spend time with those closest to you and tell people just how much you care about them is very strong. Creativity flows easily and artistic pursuits may be weighing heavily on your mind. Roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty—you're sure to be pleased with the results of your actions.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for March 2017Horoscope for Yesterday March 13 2017
Horoscope for Tomorrow March 15 2017