Horoscope for April 2 2012
Routines seem to make the day go longer on April 2nd. Yet, routine is the way you do most tasks. Don’t grumble and be bored, just get things done. You can only work efficiently if you are persistent, organized and have an attitude change. Listen to good music while you work.

You are so romantic today Aries! Make the most of it and take your love to dinner. If you are single ask a coworker out on a date. Who knows where it will go? Energy for new relationships is in the air.

Taurus, pick you battles today. Every little thing should not be a hardship. The right words at the perfect time will make things go much easier on you with team mates and relationship partners. Make life easier for yourself by changing your attitude.

Gemini finding new recipes is fun! Invent all types of dishes; try them out on friends and family. Experiment with new cooking implement, foods and spices. Have a ball! Don’t be offended, however if not everyone is as enthusiastic as you. Just laugh off insults.

Release pent up emotions today Cancer. Avoid arguing about silly little things with your partner. Go to the gym, take the dog for a brisk walk, vacuum or scrub the kitchen floor. Energy is flowing and emotions are on high. Get rid of them with energy activities.

Ensure that you know what you are talking about before you speak Leo. Looking at issues from all sides will give you the proper perspective to give your opinions. Think through issues and determine what is most important. Battle or not?

Virgo if you don’t want to talk to people; don’t. Let the phone ring, the emails pile up and the text messages go unanswered. What is important will surface again tomorrow. Use today as a day to take care of your issues needs and wants.

Reading emails can be tedious Libra, but one email brings a very unusual opportunity. Get back with the sender as soon as possible. This could be a great money making opportunity for you. Listen to your partner tonight; they have great ideas for vacations.

Looking into the past can be awesome. Shop for antiques and look at old photos of your family. Get lost in reverie. Reminisce and think about the good things in the past. Go to consignment stores today. Find that perfect dining room table to enhance your room. Buy it used and filled with personality Scorpio.

One project is almost finished Sagittarius. It is the most awesome feeling to finish a task and find that it was done well. Don’t be afraid to ask for more work from your supervisor. You can do whatever you put your mind to today.

Capricorn, find new people to mix it up with today. Cultures from different countries are perfect and will round out your life. New ideas are coming into your mind at high speed today. Don’t share ideas, yet. Keep brainstorming and writing down your thoughts.

Take part in something so very unusual and out of your box Aquarius. You have energy enough for everyone! Share your life with friends and keep working as hard as you can to make your life great. Try new restaurants, different shopping areas, and meet new friends.

Pisces the old saying that the more you give the more you receive is very true today. You might only be a mentor or a friend with a listening ear, but it means the world to someone. Listen to the chatter around the water cooler at work today. There are great ideas coming out of gossip.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for April 2012Horoscope for Yesterday April 1 2012
Horoscope for Tomorrow April 3 2012