Horoscope for April 17 2012
April 17th everything you touch goes good today and those around you think you are working effortlessly. How wrong they are! You are highly stressed. You need to finish what you started but there are so many other issues getting in the way. There is no option but to finish, analyze and make a choice.

Aries your schedule keeps you busy today. Overtime will happen and there is nothing you can do about it. Creative thoughts and mind chatter is dancing in your head and making your present projects difficult to finish. You don’t have to be in control of the entire task. Delegate.

Be diplomatic today Taurus with those you work with. You have a reputation of being stubborn and haughty. Come down out of the clouds and let go of your overconfidence. It is highly offensive.

Not ready to move to the next level in your career yet Gemini? Don’t be so conservative, advertise yourself, and let upper management know what you can do. Stop clinging to old and worn out work habits.

Think you know what is best for everyone today Cancer. Think again. Use your spiritual intuition to find out what you need to do. You don’t have to choose spirituality or temporal issues. You can do both.

Leo your imagination is running rapid today. Don’t believe all that you hear. Listen to your love and believe in them. There is nothing going on with another person. Surround yourself with those friends that support you and your love.

You might be on top of your game today in your career, but if you look around you, there are issues you know nothing about. Ask for more information and bring your leadership capabilities out into the open Virgo.

Libra your huge list of chores will only get small if you start working on them. You can accomplish much today if you prioritize and start working on one issue at a time. Before you know it all chores will all be done and you can relax and kick back.

Being with someone you respect and admire means more to you than having a great passionate love affair Scorpio. When looking for the perfect soul mate, keep these traits in mind. She/he is just around the corner and may be in the same working areas as you.

Sagittarius defending your political beliefs is a bit dangerous in this political climate. Keep in mind that others have different opinions. Don’t use your power in the company to advance your political ideas. Keep thought, ideas and speeches within polite guidelines.

Let go of long-term goals today Capricorn. Listen to new possibilities and ideas to come into your life. There are opportunities for different types of opportunities in work and personal life. Without change you will lose flexibility and maybe your security.

Sometime today you will be the center of attention. Those who have influence over your career will question your motives. Let everyone know what is going on and tell your story with grace and sincerity. You career is depending on what you say Aquarius.

Pisces try something new today. Give up ideas and material items that are totally out of date. Use modern thoughts and good ideas to finish a project. Don’t give up; just join the 21st century.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for April 2012Horoscope for Yesterday April 16 2012
Horoscope for Tomorrow April 18 2012