Horoscope for April 29 2012
April 29th working along with your team is a pleasure today. The most domineering of your teammates is being very cooperative. This makes project development easy. Keep cooperating with your coworkers. You can now see it is better to be together than at loggerheads.

Aries schedule free time in your day to meditate and get your mind back in gear. All work and no play is very stressful on you mind. Listen to good music that is soft and soothing. Stop with the jumpy jazz at work; it only makes you crazy.

Your house needs a facelift today. Taurus call in the professionals rather than trying to do it yourself. You have a flair for indecisions when it comes to decorating. You will end up with a mess if you go it alone.

Gemini delegate tasks that need to be done at home. You can’t work full time, clean and manage a home. You do have older people that live in your home. Ride herd over them and make them perform. Don’t pay them until they have finished their chores.

Cancer you are feeling quite formal today. Parties, picnics and neighborhood occasions make you believe you are watching situations from a distance. Smile and stop going through the motions of being charming. Others will catch on.

Diplomacy is at a high level today Leo. You can persuade anyone to help you. Want a day off? Use your negotiating skills to bargain for the weekend. Now you can take time to do what you want to do. Awesome!

Your love gets into a fight with your family today. You have dreaded this problem, but it just could not be avoided. Stay away and let them work it out. They are big people and can settle differences all by themselves Virgo.

Love your best friend Libra. Look forward to visits. Stay away from their home today however because parents are visiting. The father always wants to shake your hand and hold it a little too long. This is so creepy no matter what your gender.

Your talent Scorpio is motivating friends and coworkers. Speak directly to their hearts and you may find that they bend over backwards for you. This talent gives you an unfair advantage, but it is a good talent to have.

Go out today and get a massage. Eat a gourmet meal and drink the finest wines. Add wonderful desserts and a great sensual partner. Overdo it a bit today and enjoy the pleasures you so seldom partake of Sagittarius.

Capricorn financial problems appear today. You must dip into your savings to pay unwelcome bills. Do not worry. You will make it all back tomorrow when you get paid. You can find new ways to make more money by barnstorming with your partner and family.

Aquarius too try to pay attention what is going on right under your nose. You are always busy with flirting and flinging with someone in your office. You find that you just don’t care. Beware of consequences. They will bit you hard this evening and you may not recover quickly.

Pisces watch out for phony soothsayers who claim that they know who you are and have the answers to your problems. You have your own psychic abilities and intuition that will take you much farther than a paid charlatan. Be careful with your hard earned money.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for April 2012Horoscope for Yesterday April 28 2012
Horoscope for Tomorrow April 30 2012