Horoscope for January 7 2012
Your own personal fears and insecurities are the two main things you must over come so that you can move you forward at this time, says today's horoscope. It's important to not become bogged down by an over-cautious attitude toward possible changes looming ahead.

Someone may be rubbing you the wrong way at this time and it's important you be honest with them about it. You may find they are very receptive.

You have a tendency to be a bit too aggressive today. You may think you're being assertive but others think you're being pushy. Guard against that at this time.

It's going to take a little hard work if you want to achieve the goals you've set for yourself in the future. This holds true in every aspect of your life.

Your interpersonal communication skills are good. Use this to your best advantage both at home and at work. Someone with whom you've had problems in the past is suddenly going to turn out to be a friend after all.

You're feeling the need to roam a bit right now, but with so many activities coming up this may not be the right time for that. Welcome any chance for reconciliations.

You'll find others are in your corner in a big way today, thanks in large part to the fact you're willing to help others when they truly need you.

If you're dealing with a tough issue, you'll find it brings your best characteristics to the fore. Don't hesitate to bring them to bear on a problem that may be vexing you now.

Get all the facts before you make any sort of determination or commitment, especially when it comes to long term things. Bide your time and pay attention.

You'll need to buck up and face your problems head on now if you want to move ahead. Don't be afraid of a little hard work if it gets you where you want to be in life.

Your personal relationship is a bit shaky now, maybe. Remember, it takes a little work and effort to keep the wheels spinning smoothly. Buy some flowers!

Change is something you're craving at the moment, but before you make your move consider this: what's done can't be undone, not this time.

You can't help but realize that this is a crossroads for you. The decisions you make now could affect you for many years to come. Move cautiously.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for January 2012Horoscope for Yesterday January 6 2012
Horoscope for Tomorrow January 8 2012