Horoscope for January 5 2012
Don't be afraid of making a major commitment to your long term goals, particularly if you're willing to put in the work they require, says today's horoscope. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, so the things that happen are not at all random. Keep this in mind at this time.

You could be feeling somewhat dissatisfied with your domestic situation today. You need to talk things over with someone close. Keep an open mind.

It's one thing to be assertive, it's another to be too pushy. Just relax and breathe now. Pull your oars back in the boat and let the current take you.

There's nothing wrong with enjoying the good things life has given you, but you must remember to save as well. The sun doesn't shine all the time.

A difficult issue has been plaguing your mind of late. Rest assured the resolution to the problem is within your grasp. Just keep trying.

You should give into that adventurous feeling you're experiencing today. Go for a walk or run. If not, do something else fun but perhaps a little more a little less physical.

The company of others will bring you great happiness today. Don't hesitate to take center stage when it comes to social situations. It's your time to shine.

There are many factors which drive you forward, but not everyone "gets it". It's a waste of time to try to convince them of your dedication. Just move ahead.

You could be having a tough time sating your natural curiosity about an issue near and dear to you. Keep you eyes open and your questions will be answered.

Things tend to go your way, but at this time you must focus on the task at hand. Keep your nose to the grindstone and focus on the task before you.

Set aside time for making new relationships. There's more to work in life and you're about to discover this fact. The planets are favorable to this right now.

An old nemesis may suddenly switch sides and begin to see things from your unique point of view. Welcome this new ally and enjoy the camaraderie.

It's easy for you to deal with those who have shared a "bond" of friction today. Now's the time to rebuild any bridges which might have been previously burned.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for January 2012Horoscope for Yesterday January 4 2012
Horoscope for Tomorrow January 6 2012