Horoscope for January 3 2012
You'll be facing all sorts of possibilities today in your effort to arrive at a sensible conclusion. Today's horoscope indicates this may be a time for additional research and careful examination of the facts in evidence. Avoid making any long term decisions until all the information is in.

This would be a good time to get started on some sort of home improvement project. You have the skills and the ability. All you need is the motivation.

New relationships may come to the forefront today and you should try to be ready for anything. Someone new is coming into your life very soon. Be ready.

Someone close to you may offer you a new opportunity, and you may find this improves your position for years to come. Act quickly.

It's time to get physical and take care of your body. Don't wait to get started. Do things that you enjoy; that you love to do with your friends and family.

You've been busy for some time and this may have taken a toll on your body. The time for exercise has come. This is a time of rebirth of rejuvenation.

You may find yourself running into someone you have not seen in a long, long time. Make certain to set aside time to get reacquainted.

You'll be excited by the idea of getting started on a new task or project now. Plan to go it alone. You'll find others can be helpful, if not entirely reliable.

It's possible you're feeling particularly inquisitive about a new idea or project. Fortunately, the information you need is out there.

The sky's the limit when it comes to new ideas, plans and long range goals. Far from being frightened by the changes, you will revel in them.

Single folks should think about getting out of the house to do a little mingling. There are possibilities out there, but they aren't going to come to you.

You should be looking at new ways of getting a familiar task done; now's the time to consider alternatives to your usual way of doing things. Be creative.

Though you usually have a hard time taking the lead in a new relationship, this is one time when you should. Go to the head of the line and stay there!
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for January 2012Horoscope for Yesterday January 2 2012
Horoscope for Tomorrow January 4 2012