Horoscope for January 4 2012
You should weigh all the pertinent factors before making any important decisions, especially those that will affect you in years to come. Today's horoscope indicates there are many new things coming up in the near future that will require your full attention. Don't shirk this responsibility.

Change could be on the horizon for you at this time. It's possible that change will be coming on the home front. Watch family members closely.

You may have thought this situation was going to end soon, but it could turn into something long term.. Consider what you're getting yourself into.

You should try to be cautious with you money today. You may be tempted to overindulge but try to avoid that temptation, or at the very least temper it a bit.

You'll find you're focusing more on you personal appearance at this time, which is a good thing. Do your best to look your best; you'll be glad you did.

If you get the chance, make sure to get outside for a little rest and relaxation today in the form of a sport you enjoy. It's a good day for exercise.

There are people who want to befriend you. Try to get involved in group activities. This will give you the chance to mingle with a few new faces, which could work to your advantage.

If someone offers you assistance, go ahead and take it, but use caution before counting on their long term help. It may be somewhat tenuous.

You could be dealing with an important issue now that may require a great deal of research on your part. That's OK, you have the tools and the know-how.

You could be feeling particularly lucky at the moment. Don't be afraid to rely on this feeling. Just enjoy it while it lasts and make the most of it.

You'll want to get out there and mingle today. Join in with any group activities that come your way. It's time to get out there and meet and greet!

Don't be so hard on yourself. You've been doing a good job and you love to work. But sometimes, it's OK to rest on your laurels and enjoy life.

You may find life is tossing you some tough problems today, but you can handle them. There's not much you can't handle if you put your mind to it.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for January 2012Horoscope for Yesterday January 3 2012
Horoscope for Tomorrow January 5 2012