Horoscope for January 15 2012
Changes are coming in a big way at both home and work at this time, says today's horoscope. The planets indicate this is a time of great change and it is those who are able to accept, and even embrace those changes that will fare well throughout the adventure.

You may be surprised when someone you thought had left the cause returns with new enthusiasm. Accept the change of heart with good grace and humility.

The spotlight shines on you at this time and you're suddenly the center of attention even if that makes you uncomfortable. Just go with it this time.

The changes that are coming to your life now may land you in an altogether different place than you had planned. Go with the changes happily.

Changes are coming to your life and you may not entirely comfortable with them. Don't let it worry you; things will work out for the best, as usual.

This is a good time to be completely honest with someone close to you. He or she is really listening. Don't hesitate to wear your heart on your sleeve.

There are many ways to accomplish similar goals, but not all of them will leave you in good spirits or with your self-respect intact. Consider your choices carefully.

This is a good day to get together for fun times with someone close to you. Take part is some sort of group activity with like minded people.

You may find you're able to work out your differences with someone whom you thought would never see things your way. Compromise is the key.

Choose your groups and activities carefully, as they could affect your life for years to come. Be bold and decisive. Go ahead a try something new.

There may be more than one way to meet someone new today. Keep an eye out for someone new coming into your life. You'll be surprised by something today.

Don't feel you must be rushed into anything now. The ideas you have a good but there is no need to hurry. Things will work out better if you just relax.

This might be the time to become involved in some sort of sporting activity or program. Your energy level will be high provided you get enough exercise.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for January 2012Horoscope for Yesterday January 14 2012
Horoscope for Tomorrow January 16 2012