Horoscope for January 26 2012
There's nothing wrong with stating your opinion, just so long as you understand not everyone will willingly agree with your particular assessment. According to today's horoscope, you'd be better off keeping your thoughts to yourself, at least for the time being. Everything needn't be discussed.

New information and ideas come your way easily today, in spite of yourself. Open yourself up to new ideas and new ways of doing things.

Your confident manner comes to the forefront in bringing others around to your ideas. Use that to your advantage in a current project.

This could be the perfect opportunity to advance your own personal agenda. Sometimes, it's best to enlist the aid of another, wiser head.

You've been in hectic situations too long and could really use a little time to yourself now. Take time to catch your breath before moving ahead.

With most aspects of your life, it's better to think long-term rather than short-term. That's never been truer than it is right now. Keep that in mind when making a decision.

You may be getting into a new endeavor simply because it seems like fun but it will pay off in the long. Think long term when it comes to finances.

You are developing skills you didn't know you even had. Sometimes things can be fun just for their own sake and this is one of those times.

This would probably be a good time to move ahead with any small home improvement projects. There a things which need doing that you can handle on your own.

You will likely see some real improvement in your relationships, even those that might once have been difficult. Keep a level head and be willing to compromise.

Before you divulge any secrets about your past or present, make sure you relate the whole story. Partial truths are no better than outright falsehoods.

You could find yourself having a serious disagreement with someone close now. State you case clearly and let the chips fall where they may.

Try to avoid dropping into the same old routine now if you can at all help it. Keep an open mind and focus on the things that really need doing.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for January 2012Horoscope for Yesterday January 25 2012
Horoscope for Tomorrow January 27 2012