Horoscope for May 4 2018
Today is a good day for focusing on the practical, tangible side of life. The Moon remains in stable Capricorn for a few more days, prompting everyone to err on the side of caution in all their endeavors. This is not the time for risky decisions or impulsive choices. Mercury remains in headstrong Aries for a while longer, so all communication should be direct and to the point. Discover what lies ahead for your sign, below!

You never know what the future may hold, Aries! One moment your life is on a certain track and you think you have it all figured out. But, little do you know, hidden forces are at work that could come to change some very big things in your life! Try to remain flexible and open to what the universe has in store for you. It could be spectacular!

Taurus, today is a great day to challenge yourself. You may have some preconceived notions about what you're good at and what kinds of things interest you. Well, there's no time like the present to shake things up a bit! Try out a new hobby or push yourself to take on a project that's outside of your wheelhouse. You may end up surprising everyone-including yourself!

Geminis could find themselves feeling a bit distracted today. Even the smallest task may seem insurmountable as your mind flits from one subject to the next. This may be one of those instances where you need to slow down and really force yourself to focus on the task at hand. You will feel a million times better if you are able to cross just one item off your to-do list.

This is a great time to work on your relationship, Cancer. The Moon is in your 7th House of Marriage and Partnership, putting the focus on the most important person in your life. Take some time to address any lingering issues with your loved one today. They will feel valued if you simply take the time to listen to their thoughts and concerns. Your connection will be better for it!

Leo, sometimes it's necessary to kick your feet up and take a break! You've been working hard toward a certain goal and you have made some serious progress. Now it's time to reward yourself with a little rest and relaxation. Isn't it amazing how good a break can feel when it's truly deserved? Life is all about balance!

Beware of mixing work with pleasure, Virgo. Venus is in your 10th House of Career, meaning romantic interests could pop up in the most inconvenient place. Try to keep your cool and act with professionalism. There's no harm in a firm-yet friendly- "no." With the right tact, you should be able to keep your composure as well as your career!

Libra, you've been looking at a certain situation in a negative light. While there are certainly some negative aspects to this circumstance, you're failing to see what good might come from it. Try to turn the tables and look at the possibilities instead of the setbacks. You may be surprised by how differently you feel.

You may feel like retreating from the world today, Scorpio. You have a lot on your mind and a lot of thinking to do. Don't feel guilty for shutting the world out and getting some much-needed respite and reflection. You will find that the answers are abundantly clear to you once you take the time to listen to soul. Deep inside, you've known the answer all along.

Sagittarians could find that they are feeling a burst of creative energy today. Mercury is in your 5th House of Creativity, prompting you to focus on thinking outside the box in new and innovative ways. Don't be surprised if you just come up with a solution to a problem in the nick of time! Your mind is on fire today and nothing can stand in your way!

You could be feeling extra affectionate today, Capricorn. You are feeling very grateful for those close to you and are ready to show them just how much they mean to you! Think of thoughtful ways you could show your appreciation. Sometimes our greatest pleasure comes from giving, not receiving!

Aquarius, you may feel like you're the only one holding up a certain relationship right now. It seems as though you are putting all of the time and effort in and, if you were to stop, things would simply just fall apart. Ask yourself why you feel the need to try so hard. Let a little time and space lapse and you may just find you don't miss this person much at all.

Sometimes it's just not worth the effort, Pisces. Someone is trying to instigate a fight or disagreement with you today and you're simply not biting. Life is too short to expend needless energy on someone who doesn't have your best interests at heart. Just smile and nod, and move on with your life. This person will get the picture.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for May 2018Horoscope for Yesterday May 3 2018
Horoscope for Tomorrow May 5 2018