Horoscope for May 27 2018
Today is the last day the Moon will be in truth-seeking Scorpio. This is a great day to get to the bottom of pressing issues and concerns. Today is all about shedding light in the darkness and uncovering mysteries! Everyone will be focused on authenticity today, and the desire to get back to basics will be felt all around. Discover what lies ahead for your sign, below!

Aries, sometimes it's okay to be a little weird! Everyone is so focused on labeling themselves and adhering to society's expectations for how they look and behave. But, the truth of the matter is, this is all simply an act! Deep down inside you have a uniquely wonderful personality that's just waiting for its chance to shine! It's time to embrace every aspect of who you are.

Sometimes you simply have to do whatever it takes to find peace, Taurus. This may mean waking up in the wee hours of the morning with only the sunlight to keep you company. It could mean putting on a pair of headphones to drown out the noise in a busy world. Whatever it takes to tap into your inner serenity, don't be afraid to do it! It will be well worth your time and effort!

Geminis could find themselves shedding an old part of themselves today. This could be an aspect of yourself that you've been carrying around for quite some time now, but it is of no use to your current lifestyle. Life is all about growth and change! Don't be afraid to transform and evolve as you grow older and wiser.

Cancer, you may find that you encounter a new an interesting friend in your life! Uranus, the planet of innovation and uniqueness, is in your 11th House of Hopes/Wishes/Friends. This person could be someone who brings a new and unusual perspective to your life. Sometimes it's good to build relationships with people who have different experiences and viewpoints than yourself. It will only make your life richer!

You may find that you have a renewed sense of energy and purpose when it comes to a certain project or endeavor today, Leo. It seems as though you are seeing this obligation in a new light and you are feeling very inspired to make a difference and impact. Channel this motivation into productivity and get to work! You will be amazed by how quickly you see results!

Virgos may feel slighted when it comes to the distribution of work and rewards in their life right now. It may feel as though you are putting a great deal of time and energy into a certain task but you are seeing very little recognition for it. Unfortunately, sometimes we simply have to do something because it's the right thing to do, not because we want to praise and accolades. Try to get your satisfaction from within.

Libra, you might feel a bit under pressure today. Someone has a very specific work schedule or deadline in mind for a project, and they simply won't accept any wiggle room! To avoid resentment, look at this as a personal challenge rather than something you are being forced into. You will feel a greater sense of achievement if you are doing the work for yourself!

You could find that you are struggling a bit with loneliness today, Scorpio. It seems as though you and the important people in your life are running in different directions, left with little time to connect. While this may be discouraging, keep in mind that this situation is only temporary. Everything in life has a season, and this busy time will come to an end soon enough.

Sagittarians could find that they are honored for their accomplishments today. You're put a great deal of time and effort into a certain project or endeavor, and your hard work has certainly paid off! Whether this recognition comes in the form of a promotion at work, or a prestigious award at school, you are sure to feel a swell of pride as all your hard work comes to fruition. Enjoy your much-deserved success!

Sometimes you just need someone to talk to, Capricorn. You can be a bit of a loner at times, and it seems as though you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. You have so many wonderful friends and family members who would be happy to share the burden and lend an ear. You may be amazed by how much better you feel after you are able to talk things through.

Aquarius, you may find that someone is getting under your skin today. This could be a new acquaintance or someone you have known for a while-either way, you are having some trouble dealing with their attitude and antics. Take a break if needed and collect your patience and resolve. It's not your job to change people, and sometimes the goal is simply to get along.

Pisceans could be dealing with a disrespectful person today. This may be someone you encounter at work or in your home life. This person seems to have some very specific ideas about what they want and they are steamrolling over the rules and guidelines that have been set. You will need to stand firm in your convictions and demand that this person falls in line. Be strong!
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for May 2018Horoscope for Yesterday May 26 2018
Horoscope for Tomorrow May 28 2018