Horoscope for May 19 2018
Big things are happening today! The Moon moves into gregarious Leo, prompting everyone to extend goodwill to their fellow man! This is a great time for charitable giving and random acts of kindness. Venus moves into loving and sensitive Cancer, making matters of the heart take on a more serious, longer-lasting tone. Discover what lies ahead for your sign, below!

Aries, this is the perfect time to launch that creative project you've been considering! The Moon has moved into your 5th House of Creativity, and your ideas are simply on fire right now. Everyone will surely be impressed by your initiative and avant-garde thinking when it comes to a certain project. Speak up now and share! You will be glad you did!

Just because something is difficult, Taurus, doesn't mean you shouldn't do it. You've been facing a certain obstacle when it comes to one of your goals recently and it's left you feeling a bit discouraged. Keep your chin up and keep plugging along! You can conquer whatever stands in your way, and the reward will be all the sweeter once you reach the finish line!

Geminis could feel as though their good deeds have gone unnoticed. Maybe you recently gave your time and energy to a certain person or cause and you are feeling like it hasn't made a difference. Well, rest assured, your contributions are very much appreciated. Sometimes we simply have to do the right thing without expecting or needing any sort of recognition. The warmth you feel in your heart should be enough.

Cancer, you may find yourself wrestling with some self-doubt today. Perhaps a certain project or conversation didn't go according to plan and you can't help thinking you could have somehow made the outcome better. Unfortunately, you can't control everything in this world. Sometimes things simply happen, and your strength is shown by how you choose to handle them.

Certain people simply bring chaos wherever they go, Leo. You may be in contact with one such person. They could seem glamorous or exciting at first, yet drama and discontent never seem to be far behind. The danger of living life at such extremes is that you never get to experience the calm, pleasant contentment of simply being. Ask yourself if you really need the extra stress.

Virgo, never let anyone dull your sparkle! You could find yourself in contact with someone who seems to be hell-bent on bringing you down. They are likely acting out of jealousy and insecurity. Well, it's time to show them what you're made of! Keep living life as your wonderful, amazing self and don't let the naysayers get in the way!

Libras could find that today is an excellent day to celebrate friendship! The Moon has moved into your 11th house of Hopes/Wishes/Friends, and you are feeling very connected to your tribe right now! Plan a night where you can truly bond with your people and have a great time! Friendship is one of the greatest gifts this life can offer, so get out there and enjoy yours!

Scorpio, sometimes it pays to seek the advice of others. You often prefer to be self-sufficient, acting on your own judgment and common sense. However, you should keep in mind that those close to you often have a unique perspective on certain situations due to their own life circumstances. Don't be afraid to reach out for the feedback of trusted friends and coworkers.

You've been quite focused on fun recently, Sagittarius. No one is better at letting their hair down than you, and you're certainly known to have a fun time! But keep in mind that for every up, there has to be a down. Make sure you take time to take care of your responsibilities before carelessness catches up with you! It's all about balance.

Capricorns could find themselves getting in touch with their silly side today. People often know you to be so serious, but they don't realize that you often have a wonderful sense of humor! Use this gift of laughter to cut through an uncomfortable situation at work or at home. Everyone will appreciate you for your warmth and levity!

Aquarius, today is a great day to focus on your partnership! The Moon has moved into your 7th House of Marriage and Partnership and you are all about love and romance. It's time to show that special someone just how much you care. Whether single or in a relationship, the time is right for lasting, meaningful bonds.

Pisceans could find themselves breathing a sigh of relief today. You recently dealt very adeptly with a stressful situation and it seems as though you are now in the clear. Give your mind and body some time to recover from the trauma. Engage in calming, relaxing activities that restore your mind and body and bring some peace to your heart. You certainly deserve it!
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for May 2018Horoscope for Yesterday May 18 2018
Horoscope for Tomorrow May 20 2018