Horoscope for May 23 2018
Today is the last day the Moon will be in practical Virgo. It's best to get any obligations or projects out of the way now, before attention shifts to more light-hearted matters! Mercury remains in gentle Taurus for a few more days before shifting over into unpredictable Gemini. The time is right for important, sensitive communications! Discover what lies ahead for your sign, below!

Aries, it's okay to be a little selfish every now and then. This world expects so much from you and you do your best, day after day. If you don't carve out a little time for yourself it will never happen! So schedule your "me" time just like you would any other important meeting: plan it, block it out on your calendar, and stick to it!

Everyone has things they would like to work on, Taurus. Surely there are aspects of your life and personality you wish you could change but, the fact of the matter is, it's really hard! People have a tendency to settle into your thoughts and habits and these aren't things that are easily broken. Don't be afraid to seek out extra help and support with cracking the code!

Geminis could be trying to tune out a little white noise today. It seems as though everyone has an opinion about what you should do or how you should live your life. But, as much as you appreciate the thought, you have some pretty concrete thoughts and opinions of your own! Don't be afraid to listen kindly to their advice, but then proceed to whatever you feel is best!

Cancer, you could find that you're experiencing a blast from your past right now! A certain person has resurfaced after months-or even years-of no contact. You could experience a flood of positive memories and emotions with the arrival of this person. But, don't forget, a great deal of time has transpired and you have also grown and changed as a person. Don't hit the rewind button too quickly.

People often get caught up in the fantasy of how they would like things to be, Leo. Reality is often painful, so many people decide to tell themselves a story of an idealized life or gloss over any painful interactions. While this can help ease pain during trauma, it is certainly no place to live. Honesty is always the best policy, no matter how uncomfortable it is.

Virgo, you've grown so much as a person over this past year! You've seen many trials and tribulations and, instead of letting them get the best of you, you've chosen to let them make you better! It's true; you're now stronger and wiser than you've ever been. Isn't life an amazing journey? Sometimes the hardest lessons are the ones with the greatest reward!

Libras could struggle with self-doubt today. The Moon is in your 12th House of Self-Undoing, and you are unnecessarily focused on the mistakes and mishaps of the past. Sometimes the mind can play a cruel game of jogging up your most embarrassing memories just before an important conversation or event. Don't let it get under your skin! You're stronger than your thoughts and better than you were in the past.

It's easy to make assumptions about people, Scorpio. We may think we know why someone is acting a certain way; however, the truth of the matter is that we don't have a clue! If you really want to know what makes someone tick, the only thing you can do is simply ask them. You may be deeply surprised by what you uncover.

Sagittarians could find that they are called upon to mentor someone today. This could be a younger friend or family member or a less-experienced colleague; either way, they will look to you for help and guidance regarding an important matter. Think back to all of the things you wish you knew when you were first starting out. There's so much wisdom you can impart!

Capricorn, sometimes slow and steady is the way to go. You may be eager to get a jump on a certain project or endeavor, but it doesn't appear that things have lined up quite right yet. You'll do better to do a little at a time gradually. It could be frustrating at first; however, soon you will see how much progress you have made!

Someone close to you may be in need of help today, Aquarius. You have been watching their situation closely with concern, but you have been hesitant to act until now. Well, there's no time like the present to extend a helping hand and let them know you are here for them. Whichever way it goes, your efforts won't go unappreciated.

Pisceans could find themselves taking a close look at an adversary today. Sometimes it can be hard to put a finger on just exactly why someone rubs you the wrong way. Is it perhaps the way the talk to others, or the way they interact with their family or spouse? Or, is it maybe because you see shreds of yourself buried deep within this person? We are more alike, as it turns out, than we are different.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for May 2018Horoscope for Yesterday May 22 2018
Horoscope for Tomorrow May 24 2018