Horoscope for May 31 2018
The Moon moves into stable and predictable Capricorn once again today. It's a great day for taking care of practical matters. Mercury remains in fickle Gemini, so beware of miscommunications. Venus is sitting in family-oriented Cancer, making this a great time to focus on close relationships. And Mars remains in thought-driven Aquarius, meaning conflict could be intellectually focused. Discover more, below!

Aries, today is a great day to celebrate your achievements! You always seem to have your sights set on the next conquest; however, sometimes it's necessary to sit back and admire everything you have accomplished. Mark this moment with a celebration that will help you reminisce and relax. You deserve it!

Sometimes it's good to be exposed to different and unusual things, Taurus. You know what you like, and you have a tendency to get stuck in your routines and preferences. It may be a good idea for you to push yourself to expand your horizons. Try a new cuisine or talk to an unusual and interesting person. You never know what you might learn!

You have many sides, Gemini. The Moon has moved into your 8th House of Death and Regeneration, prompting you to reinvent yourself once again. No one is better at playing a part than you! Your challenge will be to focus on authenticity and being true to your core values and beliefs. Anything that brings you closer to your center and purpose is key!

Cancers may find that they meet someone interesting today! This person could really pique your desire, as it seems they possess the unique combination of brains and beauty! Don't lay all of your cards on the table. Remember, the chase is part of the fun. Try to maintain a bit of mystique while still throwing off subtle signs of interest. This is one journey you don't want to rush!

Leo, you may feel like you're talking in circles today. It seems as though you are giving a lot of directions to your team; however, they don't really seem to be getting through. Try to fend off frustration. Think of ways you can improve your delivery and really get their attention. The power lies in your hands!

Sometimes an immediate response isn't necessary, Virgo. Mercury is in your 10th House of Career, prompting a great deal of shifting and changes in your work life. You may have been approached regarding one such change, and you could find yourself at a loss for how to respond. Take all the time you need to think this matter over; it shouldn't be taken lightly!

Libras could find themselves looking for a jolt of self-confidence today. Recent remarks by someone close to you have left you feeling vulnerable and insecure. Perhaps you need to surround yourself with a little more positivity? There are plenty of people out there who think you're great! Why not listen to them for a change instead of the naysayers?

Today is a day of renewal, Scorpio. You've been wishing and hoping for a new beginning, and it seems as though the stars have finally aligned. This is your chance for a do-over; except, this time you get to use all of the lessons you have learned from the past. Growth and change can be a truly amazing experience. It's time to put all of that hard-earned knowledge to use!

Sagittarians may find themselves drawn to a particular place or object today. The Moon is in your 2nd House of Possessions and you are feeling unusually connected to the physical world right now. Take the time to surround yourself with objects of meaning that will infuse your everyday life with a little more direction and purpose.

You'll benefit most from being around your favorite people today, Capricorn. Isn't it amazing how certain friends and family members just seem to bring out the very best in life? You could really use some of this positivity right now, so be sure to plan some time with these special people. You'll be amazed by the immediate effect!

Aquarius, you may need to beware of rumors. There could be a lot of "he said, she said" nonsense flying around right now, and it might be tempting for you to take the bait. Gossip can be an entertaining distraction for people who would rather focus on other people's problems instead of focusing on and dealing with their own. You are better than that.

Pisceans could find themselves considering a change at home. Mercury is in your 4th House of Home, and you may be focused on renovations or relocation! Either way, this discussion feels very big and it's something that needs to be hashed out between you and your family. Make sure everyone's opinions are taken into account and that everyone feels heard. You will find the right solution.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for May 2018Horoscope for Yesterday May 30 2018