Horoscope for May 18 2018
Today is a great day for living and loving! This is the last day that Venus will be in light-hearted Gemini, so take advantage of this energy while you still can! It's the perfect time to get out there and play the field. Mercury remains in stable Taurus for a few more days, so communication should be generous and predictable. Discover what lies ahead for your sign, below!

Aries, you could have trouble keeping plans today. It seems as though you are a bit scatterbrained right now and you have overcommitted yourself. Take a moment to prioritize your goals and think about the tasks that are absolutely essential to your progress and well-being. The rest can be eliminated for now!

You are feeling the overwhelming urge to be honest right now, Taurus. If something or someone doesn't align with your future goals, you have no trouble addressing the issue head-on. Life is too short to waste time on people or obligations that simply don't fit in with your life right now. Everyone will admire your clarity and honesty.

Geminis could find that today is the perfect day to focus on themselves. Venus is in your 1st House of Self, and it's time to highlight and appreciate all of your best attributes! A little self-love can go a long way towards improving your confidence and outlook on the world. It's time to honor all that is wonderful about you, inside and out!

You've been avoiding a certain task or topic in your life, Cancer. The stress surrounding this issue can sometimes be too much to bear so you prefer to put it on the backburner from time to time. There's nothing wrong with compartmentalizing your life in this manner. Just make sure you set aside time to deal with your issues before they get out of hand.

Leo, you've been given a great opportunity, and you better take advantage of it while you can! Chances like this only come around a few times in life, and you would be wise to take initiative and make things happen. Quell any uneasy feelings by reminding yourself that new endeavors always cause a certain amount of anxiety. Don't let your fear hold you back!

It's okay to take a break if you need to, Virgo. You are often so vigorous about your work schedule and you certainly set the bar high when it comes to your expectations for yourself. Recognize that it won't always be possible to keep up a high level of achievement. A healthy lifestyle includes a fair amount of ups and down, so allow yourself that grace.

Libras could find that they have a rejuvenated sense of purpose at work right now. The Moon is in your 10th House of Career, and you are feeling very aligned with your current employment situation. It seems as though you are doing the kind of work you were meant to in this life! Celebrate this congruence and do whatever it takes to deepen your passion and commitment.

We all take pleasure in different things in this life, Scorpio. Some people become obsessed with achievement and money. Others tend to focus all of their energy on growing and caring for their family. The truth of the matter is, there is no right answer when it comes to life ambitions. The happiest people always seem as though they are able to strike some sort of balance.

Sagittarius, it may seem as though you can't get a moment of rest right now. Your work and family life are both very demanding at this time and it seems as though you are in a bit of a circus, running to get from here to there as quickly as possible. Know that this feeling is temporary and you will soon get the break you so dearly want. Relief is on the way!

Sometimes a shift in perspective is all it takes to make us happier, Capricorn. You may be looking at a certain person's action in a certain, negative light. You could be thinking that this certain someone is acting in a selfish manner. But, if you try to see things from their point of view the story could be quite different. Try to practice a little compassion.

Aquarius, talking about change is great. You may have a lot of lovely ideas about how to implement certain things into your life. You could dream away the entire day just thinking about what a difference it could all make. But you know what's better than thinking about how things could be better: getting out there and actually making a difference! The time for action is now.

Pisceans could be feeling very in tune with their creative side right now. The Moon is in your 5th House of Creativity, prompting you to explore new options for your artistic endeavors. Make it a priority to nurture this side of yourself. You have so much beauty and good to offer the world, and you certainly have what it takes to make it a better place.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for May 2018Horoscope for Yesterday May 17 2018
Horoscope for Tomorrow May 19 2018