Horoscope for May 20 2018
Today continues to be a great day for loving relationships! Venus remains in sensitive Cancer, and everyone will be in tune with other people's thoughts and feelings. Mercury remains in patient Taurus, so communication should be stable and productive. Mars is still in intellectual Aquarius so everyone will need to be wary of conflicting ideas. Discover what lies ahead for your sign, below!

Sometimes you simply have to happy with what you get, Aries. You may think that you deserve different treatment or recognition but, unfortunately, you can't control other people's thoughts and actions. You simply have to be satisfied with yourself and the performance you made and hope for the best. In the end, your approval is the only one that matters.

Taurus, sometimes self-discovery can be a lifelong journey. You may think that after a certain age you had it all figured out. The truth is, self-growth is a lifelong journey! You will constantly be learning new and interesting things about yourself and working on knowing yourself better. You may have an occasional misstep here or there, but as long as you keep going you will be on the right track.

Gemini, you will get to do one of your favorite things today: talk! The Moon is in your 3rd House of Communication, prompting you to speak freely and openly about the things that mean most to you. Whether it's a friend who needs advice or a client seeking feedback-either way you will be on point with your insight and delivery. It's time to shine!

Cancers may find that they already know the answer to a question they have been pondering. You may wish the answer is different or that you had more options, but sadly, it is what it is. There's a certain power that comes from being honest with yourself. Now you can truly move forward with your newfound knowledge and make the best decisions for your life and future.

It may be time to ask for forgiveness, Leo. You've had someone on your mind recently. This could be a person who you treated badly in some way. Well, they are popping into your mind because your unconscious is trying to tell you that you have unfinished business. Reach out and make amends. You will both feel better.

Virgo, you may have to beware of your vices today. The Moon is in your 12th House of Self-Undoing, and unhealthy behaviors could come all too easily to you right now. It's time to steer clear of the dessert table and stick to a strict budget, no matter how tempting that purchase might be! There will be a time to give in and enjoy yourself!

Libras could find themselves outstretching a hand to a newcomer today. This could be someone new in your neighborhood or at work-either way, they are likely to seem a bit lost and lonely. Well, lucky for them, no one is more friendly and welcoming than you! Do what you can to make them feel at home!

You could feel as though you are stuck in a bit of a loop, Scorpio. Day in, day out, it seems as though you perform the same tasks over and over again. The monotony is starting to get to you! While you may not be able to avoid your obligations, you can try to find ways to make them more fun. Even the smallest change can add some much-needed variety!

Sagittarians could find themselves missing someone today. This could be a friend or family member, either way it seems as though you have been separated for eternity. Luckily, you don't have to be physically close in order to connect with someone! Take advantage of the wonders of technology and reach out to them. They will be happy you did!

Capricorn, you may be obsessing a bit over something today. You recently had an interaction at work or home that went smoothly, but you can't help but focus on the tiny details you wish would have gone differently. Try to relax and see the big picture instead. No one is paying attention to the minute imperfections like you are!

You could find that you are conflicted over a decision today, Aquarius. Mars is in our 1st House of Self, and you are feeling unusually distrustful and combative. It seems as though you can't stop thinking of worst-case scenarios. Try to clear your mind and project a more positive outlook. You will soon find that you are feeling like yourself!

Pisces, you could find yourself in search of new and interesting experiences today! You are seeking some inspiration and the normal, everyday sights and sounds simply won't do. This is a great time to take a weekend trip away to somewhere you have always wanted to go. Take in the sights and sounds and talk to new and interesting people. You will leave feeling rejuvenated!
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for May 2018Horoscope for Yesterday May 19 2018
Horoscope for Tomorrow May 21 2018