Horoscope for May 17 2018
The Moon moves into gentle and compassionate Cancer today! This is a great time to express your feelings to friends and loved ones. Today is all about connection and community. Everyone will be in a forgiving mood and kindness and empathy will abound! Get out there and spread a little more love into this world. Discover what lies ahead for your sign, below!

Aries, you may need to be on the lookout for a conflict among your group of friends. Mars is in your 11th House of Hopes/Wishes/Friends, and it seems as though each party has a pretty clear idea of what's right and what's wrong. This kind of rigid thinking is no way to live life! Do what you can to infuse a little flexibility and humor into the situation. Your efforts will not go unnoticed.

Taurus could find themselves craving human connection today. This world is so impersonal sometimes. Every interaction is automated and formulated for the most efficient delivery. This mindset does not lead to fulfillment, though. Take some time to strike up a conversation with a stranger and maybe even make eye contact with that store clerk you always see! The difference you feel will be powerful.

You may feel a bit insecure about your connection with a loved one today, Gemini. The Moon has moved into your 2nd House of Possessions, putting your focus on acquisition and control. But this simply isn't the best way to approach any relationship! Healthy interactions require free-will and the natural ebb and flow of contact. You may find you feel better if you simply let go.

Cancers could find themselves wanting to rush a process or procedure today. You may feel annoyed by all of the red tapes that seem to be in your way! Sometimes formality can be a drag and can feel like a hindrance to true progress. Just try to play by the rules for a while longer and you may find a renewed sense of patience. Everything in its due time!

Leo, you're not easily offended. You're usually one to brush off a rebuff a snide comment or remark. But something a friend or colleague said recently has gotten under your skin. Instead of stewing, make an effort to address this concern head-on. You'll get the closure you seek, and you may end up learning something along the way.

You are quite sensitive to the needs of those around you, Virgo. Lately you've been picking up on some negative energy from a loved one. Take a moment to talk with this person and let them know that you are concerned about them. Sometimes the support of a loving friend or family is the only thing needed to pull someone out of a slump. Let them know they are not alone.

Libras could find there's no quick fix to a certain problem today. This may be something you simply no longer want to deal with and would prefer to wrap up. But this certain issue may require a bit of critical thinking and brainstorming. Call on the support of your friends or colleagues to help solve this one. You just may find that many heads are better than one!

Scorpio, you may find yourself opening up to a new way of thinking today. The Moon has moved into your 9th House of Mental Exploration and you are seeing an old issue in a new light. Perhaps a certain situation that transpired wasn't exactly what you thought after all. Use this new outlook to put to rest any lingering disputes or hurt feelings. You will feel better for it.

There's no shame in asking for help, Sagittarius. You may have bitten off more than you can chew when it comes to a certain obligation or project. Don't be afraid to reach out to someone and express that you simply can't go it alone. They will be understanding and eager to help you out. In the end, we all need each other in this life!

Capricorns could be feeling a bit overwhelmed by a recent life change. This is something you willingly embraced with open arms, but it is taking your emotions a bit of time to catch up. Be patient with yourself and recognize this as a process. It won't happen overnight but, little by little, you will start to see changes.

You have a great deal of personal strength, Aquarius. Someone close to you may be trying to muscle their way into swaying your opinions or actions. Don't let his person sway your resolve or compromise your self-worth. Stand firm in your convictions and back them up with facts and figures. They will get the picture that you are someone who deserves respect.

Pisces, your family and friends are very important to you. You have come to appreciate and honor your support network throughout the years, and you know that these are people who aren't easily replaceable. There's no shame in honoring their place in your life and refusing to compromise these important relationships for material success. You have your priorities straight.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for May 2018Horoscope for Yesterday May 16 2018
Horoscope for Tomorrow May 18 2018