Horoscope for May 30 2018
Changes are ahead! Today is the last day the Moon will be in enterprising Sagittarius! It's the perfect time to plan that trip or outing before the focus turns to more serious and practical matters. Everyone will be feeling the urge to let loose and have fun today! Loving Venus remains in sensitive Cancer, so the time is right for connection and communication! Discover more, below!

Aries, sometimes it can be tempting to give other people advice. You may see them making the same mistake that you once made, and you could be eager to save them the trouble and the heartache. The problem is, no one likes to be told what to do! It's best just to offer your support and friendship, and keep the judgments to yourself.

You may feel like you are entering a new phase in your life, Taurus. The Moon has moved into your 8th House of Death and Regeneration, prompting you to shed all of the actions and memories that are no longer useful to you in your present life. Gently let go of these things that are no longer serving you. It's time to look forward to the future!

Geminis could find themselves ready to burst today! You may be very excited about an upcoming prospect or event and you are finding it very hard to contain your enthusiasm. By all means, let it show! There's nothing wrong with spreading a little positivity and joy! And, you never know, your feelings could become contagious with those around you!

Beware of regret today, Cancer. Sometimes it can be easy to look back at the past and see what you perceive to be the correct course of action, crystal clear. But this kind of thinking has no place in your present life. Events transpire and time marches on. Our only job is to learn the necessary lessons and move forward with our lives.

You could receive some unwanted feedback today, Leo. This could come from a superior, and it could be regarding your performance or attitude. The thing is, no one likes criticism. But it's all part of healthy self-development. So, take the remarks with a grain of salt and pledge to do better next time. No one is expecting you to be perfect.

Virgos may find that the tables have turned today! Someone who once nagged you or reprimanded you now finds themselves in a similar situation. It may be tempting to brag about the circumstances and gloat over how they are getting what they deserve. But it would take a much bigger person to act with the compassion you wish you would have received. The choice is yours.

Libra, you may feel as though a chance has passed you by. Perhaps you had an opportunity that you let slip through your fingers, and you feel as though you must now live your life in regret. The truth is, there are often multiple roads to the same destination. The route you take maybe longer, but that doesn't mean it won't be worth your while.

You have a gift for seeing people, Scorpio. No one is a better judge of character than you, and you often see plans and motivations that others are unable to acknowledge. Use this power to your advantage when it comes to a new person who is about to enter your life. Are they everything they say they are, or could something be amiss? You'll be the first to know.

Sagittarians may find themselves dealing with a dreaded task today. This may be something you have put off for a while, but procrastination has only made it worse. It's time to roll your sleeves up and dig in! They only way you will find relief is if you choose to put this mess behind you. You will feel better once it is over.

Capricorn, you could feel as though you have dodged a bullet today. You were almost certain that sometime terrible was going to happen, but fate has cut you a break. Don't ignore this gift from the universe. Take the lessons you've learned and applied them to your endeavors in the future. Sometimes you simply have to count your lucky stars.

You may be feeling a bit guilty today, Aquarius. Perhaps you were dishonest with someone close to you and now you are feeling bad about it. You can certainly sit around and wallow in your guilt; or, you could pull yourself up by the bootstraps and rectify the situation. Your first step will be honesty, the second, humility. You are only human, after all.

Pisceans may find they've taken on too much regarding a certain project today. You were eager to show your enthusiasm when tasks were being doled out, but now you may feel as though you are drowning under your own expectations. It's best that you ask for help now and be honest about a more realistic goal. Everyone will understand.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for May 2018Horoscope for Yesterday May 29 2018
Horoscope for Tomorrow May 31 2018