Horoscope for May 14 2018
Change is on the horizon! Today is the last day Mars will be in stable Capricorn. It's the perfect day to clear the air and settle any ongoing disputes. Venus remains in lighthearted Gemini for a few more days, so matters of love should be easygoing and fun. Mercury remains in patient Taurus, making today a great day to make long-term plans when it comes to careers or relationships. Discover more, below!

Aries, sometimes a small gesture can go a long way. You may think that something so subtle could be insignificant, but sometimes even the littlest efforts have the biggest effects. Be sure to go out of your way to go the extra mile today! It will surely pay dividends in the future.

Something has been bothering you, Taurus. It has been stewing beneath the surface and you've been hoping that it will simply go away, but unfortunately nothing will change until you are honest. Take a moment to have a tactful, yet frank, conversation with someone who can help to alleviate your stressors. The power to change lies within your hands!

Geminis could fall victim to poor time management today. You may think you have all the time in the world for a certain project or presentation, but you may just find that the deadline sneaks up on you! Prepare now to avoid regret in the future! You have the power to avoid catastrophe if you exercise a little self-control.

Cancer, sometimes you need to be honest about your limitations. You know yourself better than anyone, and someone has been expecting a lot from you lately. It could be tempting to make a lot of promising that will only serve to make you miserable in the future. Try to be upfront now and you will save yourself a great deal of heartache.

Someone close to you has been hitching a free ride, Leo. As one of the hardest-working signs in the zodiac, you certainly don't appreciate anyone who doesn't pull his or her fair share in life. This person seems to have every excuse in the book; however, they simply aren't cutting it with you. Be frank about your thoughts and expectations.

Virgo, sometimes we set our own limitations. This could be out of fear of the unknown or simply because we prefer to stay within a safe range of what we know. Either way, this behavior can hold you back from so many meaningful experiences in life. Try to change your frame of thought and think about what's possible instead of what's impossible.

Libras could find themselves fed up with negativity today. It seems as though the energy around you contains a lot of nay-sayers and Debbie Downers. You simply won't stand for the kind of wallowing! It's time to surround yourself with inspiring people who will help you see and achieve the best in life. The future looks bright!

You are feeling very in tune with your partner right now, Scorpio. Mercury is in your 7th House of Marriage and Partnership, making communication with your dear one flow easily and effortlessly. Now is a great time to talk about plans and dreams for the future. As long as you both have each other's back, anything is possible!

Sagittarius, you could find yourself drawn to an unexpected person today. This may be someone who doesn't meet your typical standards of attractiveness, but something about them seems very compelling. Allow yourself to explore this new possibility with an open mind. There may be more to this person than meets the eye.

Capricorns could find themselves stuck on a negative experience today. This is something you have been playing and replaying over and over again in your mind, and the effect is starting to get to you. Do what you can to process this memory and move on in a more productive manner. It's time to reframe and reset your thought process.

You could find that conversation flows easily at home right now, Aquarius. Mercury is in your 4th House of Home, and your family could be feeling an overwhelming urge to connect and share. Make the most of the energy and schedule a family get-together or dinner. Everyone will benefit from the renewed feeling of community, and you may even get a few laughs in the process!

Pisces, you may have to really draw on your patience today. Someone close to you is requiring a lot of energy and restraint from you right now, and you're not sure if you have what it takes to remain calm. Just remember, this person is likely going through a very difficult time right now and they see you as a pillar of strength. Do what you can to support them through your trials and you will be rewarded in due time.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for May 2018Horoscope for Yesterday May 13 2018
Horoscope for Tomorrow May 15 2018