Horoscope for May 28 2018
The mood shifts today as the Moon moves into adventurous Sagittarius once again. The energy is right for trying new things and expanding horizons! It's a great day for beginnings and planning exciting adventures. The general feeling right now is one of optimism, and it seems as though everyone has big plans for the weeks and months ahead! Discover what lies ahead for your sign, below!

Aries, sometimes it's necessary to spend some time alone. You could be craving the company of others right now, but sometimes we use companionship to distract us from our duties and obligations. If you look closely you may find that you have some serious work to do on yourself and there's no time like the present to get busy doing it!

You could find that you're trying to talk yourself out of something, Taurus. This could be because you are feeling a bit intimidated by the prospect of what lies ahead. Just know that, deep down inside, you have what it takes to deal with whatever obstacle arises. Remember: you will never know what you're capable of if you don't try!

Geminis could find that today is a great day to focus on their relationship! The Moon is in your 7th House of Marriage and Partnership, and it's time to think of all of the ways you can enhance and improve your connection with your partner. If you aren't currently in a relationship this is a great time to take some concrete steps towards meeting the person of your dreams! You have to put yourself out there if you want to get results!

Cancer, you might find yourself feeling a bit annoyed today. Someone close to you seems determined to cling to your side no matter what. There's nothing more you could use right now than a little breathing room! Find a way to let this person know-in a subtle, kind way-that you are craving a little alone time. They will get the hint and find someone else to latch on to.

You could find that your plans go off track today, Leo. You have prepared and practiced for this day for a very long time and you might feel quite frustrated at first. However, down the road you may be happy that things ended up working out the way they did. The universe has a funny way of knowing what's best for us-even if we don't know it ourselves.

Virgos could find themselves drawn toward home today. The Moon is back in your 4th House of Home, and you are thinking of all of the most important people in your life. It's true that they are your motivation for working so long and hard, day in and day out. Well, today is a perfect day to take a break from the grind and spend some time with those who most deserve it. You won't regret it!

Libra, you may find that you are struggling to understand someone today. Maybe you thought you had this person figured out, but recently they did something that really has you baffled. Keep in mind that it's not your place to understand everyone's thoughts and motivations. The world has a great deal of mystery in it. Take comfort in the fact that everything is working out just as it should.

You are at risk of overreacting today, Scorpio. Your emotions have been running a bit high recently and it seems as though you are on edge. Take responsibility for your own thoughts and feelings instead of projecting them onto someone else. You may need a moment or two to calm down and re-center. Just don't lose your cool!

Sagittarians could find those good things come to those who wait. Patience isn't always your strong point, and it can be hard to delay gratification sometimes. But if you put the work in now, you are sure to receive a payoff down the road. Just keep your head down and your mind clear. You will soon get what you desire!

Capricorn, you could feel inspired to collaborate on a creative endeavor today. Mercury is in your 5th House of Creativity, prompting you to make important connections with people who could help you with a shared project or goal. You have some very good ideas right now, so don't be shy about sharing them! You just may end up changing a process for the better!

You may feel like quitting today, Aquarius. A certain project or assignment has lost its original luster and you are having a hard time finding the motivation to see it through. Just keep in mind that not all pursuits are glamorous. This could be something that adds some serious value to your skill set down the road. It's best if you keep plugging along!

Pisceans may be feeling a bit hurt today. Certain events have transpired and you can't help but feel like someone has cut you out or slighted you in some way. Keep in mind that you may be reading into the situation a bit too much. Try to bring yourself back to reality and you will feel a bit more balanced.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for May 2018Horoscope for Yesterday May 27 2018
Horoscope for Tomorrow May 29 2018