Horoscope for May 13 2018
Change is in the air today! Both the Moon and Mercury move into pleasant and dependable Taurus, and good energy abounds! It's the perfect time to confront that difficult person or situation in life-you will patience to spare right now! Everyone seems to be in a loving and forgiving mood right now, so it's a great time to spread goodwill and charity. Sharing is caring! Discover more, below!

You could find yourself feeling a bit bored today, Aries. You've recently finished up an important project and you are at a loss for what to do with yourself. Never fear, with your restless nature you likely won't sit idle for long! This is the perfect time to pursue that passion project that has been on the back burner for far too long. Time to dig in!

Taurus could discover a new side to their personality today. Mercury is in your 1st House of Self, highlighting the many facets of your mind and spirit. Perhaps it's time to revisit some of your long-held habits and beliefs. There's no time like the present to shake things up a bit and open yourself up to the winds of change. You may surprise everyone-including yourself!

Gemini, you may find yourself feeling uncharacteristically introverted today. You're feeling the need to settle down in a quiet corner and simply let the world pass you by. There's nothing wrong with taking a break from the hustle and bustle of life every now again. No doubt everything will still be where you left it when you decide to revisit the world.

Tiredness is no excuse for laziness, Cancer. No one knows this better than you! These days it seems as though everyone has an excuse for why they can't do one thing or another. The truth is, most people overextend themselves and then they simply don't have time for the things that really matter. You may need to tell a certain someone to get their priorities straight.

Leos could find themselves contemplating a career change. Mercury has moved into your 10th House of Career, and you are feeling a bit antsy and ready for variety. Perhaps you have simply gone as far as you can in your current role. Whatever you decide, don't jump at the first opportunity that comes your way. Make sure you're making the right choice for your future.

Virgo, sometimes little bites are best. You seem to be working away on a certain project that simply has no end. Try to break down your tasks into smaller chunks and simply do the work whenever you have a spare moment. You may be surprised by how much you are able to accomplish!

Libras could feel as though something is missing from their lives right now. Maybe you have everything you need on the surface, but your spirit could be lacking some serious nourishment at this time. Try to think of ways you can enrich your experiences and gain more from your day-to-day life. Little changes can make a big difference!

You could benefit from focusing on your love life today, Scorpio. The Moon is in your 7th House of Marriage and Partnership, and your most important relationship will take center stage today. It's time to forget all of the distractions and noise and spend your time where it matters most. All of the money and experiences in the world don't mean a thing if you aren't happy at home.

Sagittarians could find themselves dealing with conflicting ideas today. It seems as though someone in your realm has some pretty specific ideas about how life should be led and there is little to no room for compromise. Remember, everyone comes from a unique background that shapes and molds their life experiences. You'll get further if you consider things from their point of view.

Sometimes it's best to go with your gut, Capricorn. You have been overthinking a certain situation and you just can't seem to settle on a conclusion. But, if you look deep within yourself, you will find that the answer has been there the whole time! Don't second guess what your intuition is trying to tell you. Act now! You won't be sorry.

Aquarius, life sometimes requires compromise. You may be faced with an unfavorable decision and it would seem that you can't win. But keep in mind that you simply can't get everything you want all of the time. The best things in life sometimes require important sacrifices. If your heart is in the right place you won't regret your choice, no matter the outcome.

You could find that words flow easily today, Pisces. The Moon is in your 3rd House of Communication, prompting you to speak from the heart. People will be very receptive to whatever message you deliver! Take advantage of this gift and use it to tell that special someone exactly how you feel. You can't go wrong!
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for May 2018Horoscope for Yesterday May 12 2018
Horoscope for Tomorrow May 14 2018