Horoscope for May 16 2018
A great shift takes place today. Uranus, a planet that signifies visionary ideas, unorthodox thinking, and rapid change moves into Taurus. The general mood will shift from one of fast and persistent change to a more easygoing, and long-lasting, shifting of events and moods. Today is also the last day the Moon will be in fickle Gemini. Save any long-term decisions for tomorrow! Discover what lies ahead for your sign, below!

Aries, you could feel unusually drawn to material things today. Mercury is in your 2nd House of Possession, stirring up feelings that could promote feverish spending on frivolous items. Try to rein in this energy by thinking long and hard before making purchases. Even the small, seemingly insignificant things add up in the end! Caution now will lead to contentment later.

Taurus could find that they are slow to make a certain decision in their life right now. You have been putting on the brakes for a while now and-if you don't act soon-the choice could be made for you! It's time to stand up and take some action. Stop wavering between the options and settle on something that will make your life easier. You'll feel as though you've made the right choice!

Geminis could find it difficult to stand up for what they want today. Someone close to you has been pushing you toward a course of action that wouldn't be your first choice. While compromise is ideal-it only works if the other person is willing to meet you halfway. Remind this certain someone that if you're making certain concessions about your wants and needs, they should be doing the same!

You may have to hit the reset button this morning, Cancer. It seems as though you got off on the wrong foot. You may have rushed around, trying to get things done, and forgotten that all-important task of taking care of yourself. You can't simply run on vapors. Take a break, and take care of yourself! You'll find that the rest of your day goes much more smoothly.

Leo, you've got some grand plans for your life. You're going to have a certain kind of job, live in a certain kind of area, and, of course, be with a very specific certain person. Unfortunately, life doesn't care too much about your plans! The truth of the matter is, no one knows what the future will bring. If you hold yourself too closely to preconceived plans and notions you may miss out on the most important part of life-living it!

Virgos could find themselves thinking about their career today. The Moon is in your 10th House of Career, and you are thinking long and hard about whether your day job truly aligns with your goals and hopes in this life. The truth of the matter is, you can get creative about where and how you seek fulfillment. No one area of life is meant to fulfill all of our needs.

Fairness is an interesting concept, Libra. Everyone wants an equal piece of the pie yet, somehow, life never seems to work out that way. It may be best to settle for "good enough" right now, and trust that something bigger and better is in store for you down the road. There are an ebb and flow to what we give and receive in this life.

Scorpios could be reminded to have compassion for themselves today. You have the habit of setting unrealistic expectations for yourself and then wondering why you feel terrible for not meeting them. You are human. Try to be a bit more forgiving of your perceived slights. The truth of the matter is, no one sees them quite like you do.

Big changes are ahead for you, Sagittarius. Uranus has moved into your 6th House of Service and Health, putting a brand new spin on your perspective of health and wellness. Don't be surprised if you're inspired to start a new and unusual fitness routine or pursue an unconventional diet. No one is better at innovation than you! You may be surprised by the effect it has on your life.

Capricorn, you may feel as though you are playing catch-up today. Circumstances that were unavoidable have left you with a backlog of work today, and you are simply slugging through it. Why not try to change your perspective and try to have a positive attitude about it! See if you can make it into a game and reward yourself along the way. Attitude is everything!

Aquarians could find that a friend or loved one really surprises them today. This is someone who you thought was predictable. But they could instigate a change that leaves your head spinning! This is an important reminder that we never truly know what is going on in someone else's mind or spirit. Try to refrain from judgment as much as possible!

Sometimes work can really feel good, Pisces! You are in a productive mindset today and the effects are noticeable! You've had enough of making excuses and wallowing in self-pity. It's time to make those changes and get the job done. This new outlook will only serve you well, and the best is surely yet to come!
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for May 2018Horoscope for Yesterday May 15 2018
Horoscope for Tomorrow May 17 2018