Horoscope for November 2016 for Cancer

Horoscope for November 2016 Cancer People, born under the sign of Cancer, are endowed with a significant intuition, which often helps them to cope with the difficulties and make the right decision. This sixth sense will not let Cancer representatives down; November predicts an important decision to be made concerning the personal life of this zodiac sign representatives. Stars warn Cancers that during this time period their personal life will be rather tough. The representatives of this zodiac sign should reveal their intransigence and determination. There's no need to let your better half push yourself around, and there's definitely no need to listen to others; trust your inner instinct, and it will not let you down. The Moon, being the powerful patron of Cancer representatives, will take the opposite position this month; and Mars, being the enemy of this sign, will on the contrary, show its great support. Such an unexpected situation suggests to postpone all important plans and avoid setting significant goals for the nearest future. On the other hand, the influence of the warlike Mars will help Cancer representatives reveal their unnatural firmness and resolve complex issues with the help of their vigorous energy. The health aspect promises to bring less pleasure in November. Jupiter, being in the position close to Leo in November, will aggravate diseases related to cardiovascular and digestive systems. Stars recommend to focus on physical activities, sticking to a healthy diet and getting a good sleep throughout the whole month.

The first decade of the month suggests Cancer representatives to take on the role of diplomats. They will need to resolve conflicts and disputes at work, and negotiate with rowdy people. Stars promise you a significant success in this area. Colleagues and friends will need your help, your support will be literally selling like hot cakes, which will eventually interfere with a good rest and going on a planned trip with your better half or your family.

The second decade of the month promises to be more calm and balanced. Diligent work and great responsibilities will help you achieve upper ranks of the best workers, and increase your credibility in the eyes of your superiors. This is the best time to pamper yourself a bit, for example, making a long-desired purchase, giving in a new haircut, cooking delicious meals and doing other pleasant things that you had previously not enough time for.

The third decade of the month will be marked by a long-desired calm in the lives of Cancer representatives. You can finally reduce the work loads by distributing them among colleagues. You might face minor, quickly resolved conflicts at home. Stars highly recommend to attend yoga or tantra courses at the end of the month, since it will help to reveal your inner potential.


Horoscope for November 2016 for each zodiac sign

Horoscope for November 2016