Horoscope for December 9 2017
On December 9th, some sort of problems are ruled out, and at work and in personal matters, peace, tranquility and stability will reign. The only thing that can bring trouble today is finance. Once again, make sure that you have correctly planned for the costs for December. On the eve of long holidays it makes sense not to postpone putting funds "in reserve." Deal with this issue today, and then you do not have to find it painful to seek money in early January.

Aries, at the beginning of today, will be invited to attend a noisy party. You, of course, would gladly accept this invitation, with one small "but" - parties usually assume the presence of alcohol, and last until late at night, which is absolutely not acceptable at the beginning of the work week. Agree that good health at work is above all else.

Today's horoscope recommends that Taurus listens carefully to colleagues at work. The ideas that currently support the whole team really do have a rational logic. Do not try to join the opposition, and do not impose your personal point of view, because in this way you will not achieve anything.

Gemini Twins should formulate their thoughts as clearly and accurately as possible. Loved ones will not understand your elaborate phrases, and therefore will not be able to fulfill your request. If the final result is important to you, do not be too cautious or approach the main issue from afar.

Cancers today will be at the pinnacle of success. Your authority in the eyes of management is growing day by day. Skillfully use such a profitable situation. Why not just ask for a salary increase right now? Take a bold step and rest assured, you're lucky!

Leo Lions will spend this day torturing themselves with fears and doubts. The mistake that you have recently made really may be a valid reason to dramatize and experience angst. However, it is fundamentally wrong to complain about fate and at the same time stay idle! Wipe the tears away and move forward, correct the situation as best you can.

Virgos need to find positive perspectives in their daily work. The irritation that has seized you at the moment is nothing but a logical consequence of onerous professional duties. Do not forget that work should serve not only as a source of income, but also bring positive energy to your life.

The Libras on this day run the risk of being wrongly convicted and misunderstood. Your attempts to penetrate too deeply the problems of other people from the sidelines seem to them something dishonest and immoral. Let this once and for all be a lesson! Better to concentrate on your own personal affairs.

For Scorpios, December 9th is a good day to return from work early. Your partner prepares you an unforgettable surprise. Moreover, it will be an unexpected and very pleasant gift. You should not just thank your loved one, but also think about how you can respond to this present.

Sagittarians, on this day, will be as serious and focused as ever. Clearly realizing that the year will soon come to an end, you decide to throw all your effort into completing the current affairs and tasks. Having planned to work in emergency mode, do not forget to rest at least occasionally.

Capricorns will feel very calm and even relaxed. By the beginning of December you had time to finish everything that was planned. Now you have earned the right to rest. Notice how pleasant it is to observe the hard work of colleagues!

Aquarians will have to show maximum restraint and calmness in the process of communicating with one of their relatives. Do not be tempted to provoke, because you will be deliberately exposed to emotion. If you do not have the strength to restrain yourself, end this unpleasant conversation without explaining the reasons.

In the life of Pisces today there will be amazing events. It is possible that your first love will remind you of yourself. The joy of this meeting will not last long. Nostalgic of the past, you both will come to understand that you do not have common values.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for December 2017Horoscope for Yesterday December 8 2017
Horoscope for Tomorrow December 10 2017