Horoscope for December 15 2017
December 15th is great for working on yourself and on exterminating your own shortcomings. People tend to make themselves loud promises on New Year's Eve about what they will accomplish next year. That's exactly what to do! Think what bad habits you still have not overcome. What would you really like to change in yourself? If the list of your minuses and problems is not very lengthy, you have good reason to be proud of yourself!

Aries will spend all their free time analyzing their own lives. The future is seen in a rainbow glow, and you believe that you will be able to succeed. Do not lose hope! So, it certainly will be. One small condition is that for dreams to become a reality, we need to work on them now.

The horoscope for today calls for Taurus to abandon vanity and selfishness. If your help is very necessary to some friends, do not rush to answer the automatic "no." It does not matter that you will spend your free time on other people's problems. Friendship is much more worthwhile than a spoiled day.

Gemini Twins today are guaranteed a sea of romance, beautiful compliments and affectionate words. If you are in a couple, then it is clear in advance who will initiate such a pleasant surprise. Lonely single Geminis will receive romance and compliments from a completely unexpected source ...

Cancers today have to pretty much empty the contents of their wallet. Initially, your goal will only be a specific set of items. However, at a time when there are so many year-end sales, you will not be able to limit your purchase of goods beyond those on the list.

Leos will spend the whole day in the company of their better halves. Together you can discuss plans for the upcoming days off, as well as make a list of guests that you will gather at your holiday celebrations.

Virgo will feel like they're not at ease. When some close friends show indifference toward you, you will experience both insult and bewilderment. Do not keep the experience deep inside! It is better to ask directly what is going on. True friends will not leave you hanging.

The Libras today must carefully guard their wallet against attempts to remove its contents. On the eve of the holidays, your relatives are tempted to go shopping. However, you have a different opinion on this matter. You reasonably believe that all preparations for the holiday celebrations should begin in late December, and until that moment, you need to economize in every possible way.

The mood of the Scorpios on this day will be greatly spoiled by the reflection in the mirror. A dull look, a bad hairstyle and bleary eyes are all valid reasons to take immediate action. It is not at all a problem to regain your former beauty, if there are a firm spirit and readiness to act.

Sagittarians throughout the day will be tensely pondering some important professional issue. And, you really will be able to find the right answer! It is noteworthy that the way out of the deadlock will appear in your mind at a time when you will be engaged in one of the more routine domestic affairs (washing, cooking or cleaning).

Capricorns today will show mercy and humanity. When your friend with a sad face informs you that unfortunately they are unable to repay your debts to you, you will answer that you do not really need the money. These words will sound casual, but in the depths of your soul you will panic, because you have counted on this amount.

Aquarians are at risk by the evening of December 15th, being very tired after numerous household chores. You did not suspect that pre-holiday preparations would be so tedious and time-consuming. Do not even think about doing these things until later! Remember that tomorrow you will be back to work.

Pisces today will be able to experience incomparable pride for close family members. The news about the tremendous success of one of your relatives will be a long-awaited event for you. After you notify all friends on social networks about the happening, it's time to "crank up" the blow-out party.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for December 2017Horoscope for Yesterday December 14 2017
Horoscope for Tomorrow December 16 2017