Horoscope for December 20 2017
On December 20th there is no point in asking for anything from others, because none of your requests will be heard. You yourself are unlikely to want to help someone. Selfishness and focus on one's personal affairs will be the main characteristic of this Wednesday. However, doing only their own duties and refusing to take part in the lives of others is fundamentally wrong, this is to completely withdraw into oneself. On December 20th, communicate, share plans and experiences, but keep people at a safe distance.

Aries will have unforeseen expenses, which on the eve of the holidays will bring a lot of problems. Postponing savings to the New Year, you will get out your wallet with great regret and sorrow. Alas, nobody can solve these problems except you! Resign yourself to the inevitable and consider how you can now replenish your budget,

Taurus will feel a passionate desire to engage in botany. Of course, you will not diligently study the textbooks in search of information on this matter. Your botanical talents you demonstrate in practice. It is not specified whether you are planning to do greening the office, or will begin to implement this project in the home.

The Geminis will feel tired and perhaps even broken. Overall, this year you managed to achieve decent results both at work and in your personal life. Of course, all these numerous victories came to you at a high price: temporary apathy and a decline in ability to work is a natural consequence of your successes.

Cancers will spend this day at a crazy pace. Waking up a little later than usual, you hardly have time to get to your destination at the appointed time of the day. That same hour, a sea of urgent matters and duties will fall upon you. As soon as this emergency is over, a phone call from the house will tell you about the unexpected arrival of guests.

Leos should not think about the changing work today. Now this is more than just the wrong time! At the end of the year only people desperate or blindly overconfident are engaged in such a global issue. Wait until the New Year holidays are over and then embrace this idea in life.

Virgo will not only be in an elevated mood, but they will also be able to cheer everyone around them as well. Your sense of humor and the ability to find something funny in the most difficult situation will save the workgroup. When the problem in the workplace is over, you and your colleagues will remember this day for a long time.

During the day, Libras will face a slew of ridiculous mishaps. Unexpectedly, your phone will fail; due to a sudden power outage, a file that is not saved in time will be lost; the traffic jams on the way home will be longer than usual; some household appliance will suddenly break down ... You should go to bed as early as possible as if these "chance" events did not unsettle you at all!

Scorpions should not be afraid to ask another person if you heard something that you don't completely understand. The information that will be delivered to you today has a very important meaning, and therefore you must understand it thoroughly. It is fundamentally wrong to guess and build your own assumptions. In the process of communication, you must acquire only confirmed facts and nothing else.

The horoscope today advises Sagittarians to behave with others as tactfully and delicately as possible. Your occasional manner of exploding and shouting loudly contributes nothing to productive communication! If you want to be understood and heard, you should express all your requests and suggestions politely, and with a friendly smile on your face.

Capricorn today is strictly forbidden to dig into someone else's "dirty laundry"! Engaging in gossip and intrigue, you run the risk of losing the reputation of a decent person. Moreover, a painful awareness of the lives of strangers interferes with your own happiness and tranquility. Take care of your affairs, leaving relatives and friends alone.

The activities of Aquarius on this day will be governed by natural modesty and excessive caution. When colleagues boldly ask for an increase in their pay, only you will stand quietly silent. Such behavior will significantly interfere with your financial prosperity! Do not be afraid to declare your desires and ambition -, that's when your income really can increase at times.

Pisces today will be attractive outwardly and very sharp in language. At a time when someone notices you and makes a clever comment, you get the impression that you are engaged in flirting and coquetry. A person who draws such conclusions will decide to get close to you and take active steps in this direction.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for December 2017Horoscope for Yesterday December 19 2017
Horoscope for Tomorrow December 21 2017