Horoscope for December 13 2017
On December 13th, quarrels will flare up because of a mere trifle, and without any warning signs. If in your circle of communication there are people who constantly try to argue, on this day you should avoid them in every possible way. Also, be very reserved in your words and deeds. Anything you do or say today, can bring a lot of problems in the future. The best behavior on December 13th is a calm and contemplative attitude about what is happening.

Aries on this day will feel their professional limitations. The new responsibilities, which you very self-confidently assumed, turned out to be too complicated and time-consuming. Now you have to make a choice - either to break promises, or to work too much and exhaust your last strength.

Taurus has an urge to increase motor activity. If your current lifestyle is not characterized by physical energy and effort, choose a gym near your home or work. Just a few workouts per week will noticeably improve your physical fitness, and thus make you stronger and healthier.

Gemini today will find it not worth analyzing your own life. Also, it is not necessary for you today to analyze your mistakes and blunders in personal matters. The sphere of feelings does not lend itself to logic or analysis. Although now you are unlucky, that does not mean that a big, mutual love in your life will not appear!

Cancers, on the eve of the New Year, need to make a list of their shortcomings and undeserved merit. For your successes and victories you can just be happy, but with shortcomings or bad habits you should start a determined struggle. Think about what you need for this; make a detailed plan. Promise yourself that on January 1st of next year you will start implementing the plan.

The horoscope today recommends that Leos look around carefully, so as not to miss a useful acquaintance. The person who will appear in your life today will become a real guardian angel in business and career. With such powerful support, you can very quickly and easily move up the career ladder.

For Virgos, the best scenario for this day is outdoor recreation. Do not be fearful that you can freeze and fall ill! After work, stop by home, dress warmly and safely go skiing or play in the snow for fun. Or, help a neighbor shovel out - the exercise will do you good!

In the morning, Libra will feel an unprecedented lightness and a very cheerful mood. In this state, you do not much resemble an adult. Your actions will suggest that you are really behaving like a little child. Try to look serious, at least on the job site! It is unlikely that higher management will appreciate your frivolous attitude.

Scorpions on December 13th will experience strong disappointment in their beloved. Quite unexpectedly, even for yourself, you will realize that you are involved with someone who absolutely does not fit your ideal. Before you there are two options - to abandon the continuation of the relationship, or completely to reconsider your requirements for the life partner.

Sagittarius today must prepare for an endless stream of information. News will come from your friends, from relatives, and even from former classmates. It is noteworthy that in the overwhelming majority of these messages, besides the standard pleasantries, there will be invitations to New Year's holidays.

Today, Capricorns will be very unproductive. The reason for this is a poor state of health and fatigue, which accumulated for almost a year. Try to get out from work early, so you can go home and get a good night's sleep and rest.

Aquarius today has to survive another major family quarrel. "Disunity" will begin on the basis of planning the New Year. To salvage the approaching holiday, you will have to forget about your own desires and give in to the opinion of the majority of family members.

Pisces! Use all your personal charm and charisma today. You will have a great chance to show outstanding abilities and professionalism at work. However, to be noticed and appreciated, this will clearly not be enough! Brighten your exterior appearance, arm yourself with a stunning smile - then you will definitely make an indelible impression on your colleagues and bosses.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for December 2017Horoscope for Yesterday December 12 2017
Horoscope for Tomorrow December 14 2017