Horoscope for December 4 2017
On December 4th, the fluids of good, joy and positivity will predominate in the atmosphere. It's a great day to finally make a confession of your fervent love. At work and in business, you will feel an extraordinary ease and readiness to work hard. Communication with the service team especially has to be interactive and cooperative. In other words, December 4th will be one of those rare days when success and harmony reign in business and in the personal sphere.

Aries throughout this whole day will try to make an indelible impression on surrounding people. Attention and interest, of course, you are guaranteed to receive. Another thing to note is that not all of those who today "sing praises to you" really think so ...

Taurus today should refrain from envy of the success of friends and colleagues. Mentally summing up the outgoing year, you suddenly realize that success and financial prosperity for you are still vague and distant. However, people who managed to achieve much more than you did not become from that being merrier and happier. Think, is maybe happiness not in the zeros of a bank account, but in something else?

Geminis should refrain from making any fateful decisions on this day. The facts that you have now on hand do not give you a complete picture of what is happening. In order not to regret recklessly committed act later, do not rush to give your answer, but first, in detail, calculate all the options.

Cancers today risk giving out too much unnecessary information in the process of communicating with one of their colleagues. All your professional plans, and all your assumptions and guesswork regarding the future of your enterprise, you should keep to yourself. A big mistake for you would be the disclosure of this information during a routine conversation.

Leos will take a very active part in the designs and projects of other people. In these events you do not appear in the role of a leader, but this should not overshadow your mood, because it is well-manifested today, and you will significantly improve your public authority.

The horoscope for today in every possible way encourages Virgo to be as serious as possible about his financial spending. The purchase, which you so passionately want to make, will bring you both joy and great pleasure. One small "but": on the eve of the New Year, it is fundamentally erroneous and even dangerous to devastate your budget so radically!

Libra should completely disregard the advice and opinions of others. You and only you must make a final decision regarding your professional destiny. However, having decided to sign a statement of resignation, think for a second - how will you be able to find a new position on the eve of the New Year's holidays and the next long weekend?

Scorpios will have a very busy and exciting day. At work, your only difficulty is a small disagreement with some colleagues. The main problems are waiting for you at home. One careless word on your part, addressed to someone in the home, will provoke a major and lasting conflict.

Sagittarius! Before you say anything to others, analyze in detail: are your arguments convincing? Today you risk experiencing strong disappointment at a time when your proposal will encounter misunderstanding and condemnation.

Capricorns' strength and energy will be directed to career and personal needs. Having successfully coped with the urgent work, you will get the opportunity to go home early. The time saved should be properly utilized! For example, on the way home, look into the beauty salon, do a manicure or adjust your hair.

One of the new colleagues will start warm friendly relations with the Aquarius on December 4th. Having found out that with this person you have amazingly similar points of contact, you will understand why now you will not just walk to work, but literally hurry!

Pisces today is all about teamwork. Try to behave as calmly and without constraint as possible, and do not try to impose your "I" at every opportunity! Be able to listen to all suggestions. Try to communicate your position to colleagues clearly so that it sounds convincing and tactful.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for December 2017Horoscope for Yesterday December 3 2017
Horoscope for Tomorrow December 5 2017