Horoscope for December 29 2017
December 29th will pass in a joyful and uplifting atmosphere, so when you want to communicate, even with unfamiliar people, give smiles and congratulations. The time left until the New Year is very short, and most of the preparations have already been completed. Today, if the appropriate mood appears, you can try to engage in creativity. Remember how nice it is to get homemade gifts and souvenirs. Call on the help of close family members and dedicate December 29th to the creation of pretty New Year's "masterpieces."

Aries will spend the day in endless worries about themselves. Have not you decided on the New Year's Eve outfit yet? There is no more time to postpone this decision! Leave aside any other urgent matters, consult your stylist, then get a stylish suit or a beautiful evening dress.

Taurus will be guided by romantic moods. The sincere impulse to do something generous for people who are dear to you should not be cut off! If you want to go and spend money on gifts for your relatives, do so, and do not for one minute doubt the correctness of such an act.

Geminis will dedicate on December 29th to their numerous hobbies and interests. Your colleagues in the sports leagues or the creative circle on the eve of the holiday will decide to "fire up" a grandiose party. Of course, you will have a great time, though there is one unpleasant "but" ... Your relatives will not like that you will return home smelling of alcohol.

Cancers today will be excessively critical of themselves and everyone around them. You suddenly think that nobody in your family is talented enough (or successful, enterprising or smart). In a word, you will be able to find a great many reasons for criticism. Whether this is true or not, it may not seem to matter much.

Leos today will experience full mutual understanding and harmony with all members of the family. Such a share of care and attention as you find in abundance on this day is something you have not received for quite some time. Do not be afraid to gratefully express your appreciation, because you are loved precisely for sincerity and honesty.

The Virgos on this day can be seriously affected by the pursuit of "fresh impressions". If you honestly admit that you are not in the best physical shape, it is extremely erroneous to believe that you are prepared for a steep ski jump! Today you'd generally better refrain from everything that is somehow the least bit risky.

Libras during the day will face sharp mood swings. You will laugh out loud without any special reason, then burst into tears absolutely unprovoked. Do not try to explain to relatives the causes of this behavior. Everything that is happening is not necessarily a nervous breakdown caused by extreme fatigue and emotional overload.

Scorpios will spend all their free time helping loved ones solve problems. Today, almost every friend will need your help urgently. Someone is keen to get your advice, and someone else will need your personal presence to comfort them. In this bustle of activity, you will not have time to worry about your own affairs.

The horoscope for today urges Sagittarius not to be upset because of financial troubles. Realizing that you are unlikely to be able to buy everything from the wish-list for the New Year, you will have to search for an additional "source of financing" as quickly as possible. If none of your friends agree to lend you money, try for a bank loan or credit extension.

Capricorns will make a decision that it's time to radically change their whole life. The New Year is an excellent occasion for global rearrangements. Make a detailed list of how and what you are going to change, and do not forget that any changes only bring success when they are carefully thought out and planned, and then you must put in the effort to accomplish them.

Aquarius today will put off all "urgent" matters in favor of a pleasant schedule of "doing nothing". Lying on your favorite couch, you can just dream, and you can pick up a mobile phone and send out congratulatory messages to all your friends.

Pisces will dare to make major changes in their appearance. Going to the beauty salon with the excuse of "just getting a massage and a nourishing mask," no one will know you when you return, including loved ones. A little later you will hear within your earshot numerous compliments about how you are very hip with a new hair color or hairdo.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for December 2017Horoscope for Yesterday December 28 2017
Horoscope for Tomorrow December 30 2017