Horoscope for December 14 2017
December 14th is a day when very little of what you have planned will become reality. Today, literally everything will go awry. You planned to rest this Thursday, and did you want to meet your friends? Most likely, instead of a friendly party, you will have to spend time on numerous domestic duties or entertain unexpected guests. On the morning of December 14th, reconcile with the inevitable - on such days it is better to chalk up what is happening to chance, leaving your ambitions and initiatives to more successful times.

On the morning of December 14th, Aries will feel an unprecedented surge of strength and energy. It's just a shame that you will waste all your huge internal potential! All that you want to do will encounter unpleasant surprises. Be ready, because by this evening you will experience an unsettling discontent within yourself.

For Taurus, there is a high risk of feeling weak due to a cold. As soon as your body gives the first alarm, start taking immediate precautionary measures. Buy high-quality medicines for colds. In the fight against the disease you will be helped very much by a fragrant infusion of herbs, either by tea or inhalation.

For Gemini, today is still not good for analyzing your own life. As well, as it is not necessary for you on this day to dwell on your mistakes and blunders in business matters. The sphere of business does not lend itself to emotions. Be alert for new friends just around the corner!

Cancers today will hear a lot of pleasant compliments and flattering words. The help that you have given to someone close to you has been so timely that you will certainly be thanked. Of course, you will not allow yourself to accept an expensive gift - you will refuse the money and other financial benefits. However, dinner in a good restaurant is something you absolutely do not need to refuse.

Leos today will not be able to rest or relax, which will be their own fault. Some new "grandiose" plans will occupy all your thoughts, and completely take away your calm inner peace. So instead, try to implement this idea - maybe you'll be lucky.

For Virgos this Thursday will turn into an ordinary weekday. In an effort to complete everything as quickly as possible before the New Year, you will agree to work overtime. Calls from home, of course, will strongly interfere with your focus, but don't let this moment overshadow your determination.

The horoscope today does not advise Libra to extol your own virtues. Take this advice, at least in the process of communicating with friends and loved ones! Yes, you certainly have a lot of reasons for pride, but after all, relatives and friends love you not for this, but simply because of who you are.

Scorpios today find it very important to show diplomacy and flexibility. In the process of a fierce dispute between relatives, only you will be able to maintain self-control and neutrality. Becoming a connecting link in this conflict, try to finish such an unpleasant incident with minimal damage.

Sagittarians will show wisdom and delicacy, while clarifying the relationship with their other half. Quarrels are unavoidable. You understand this perfectly, and therefore do not want to lose love and trust because of any stubbornness. The agreement to make concessions on your part is really the most correct option.

Capricorns today will not be in the best intellectual form. This will be especially evident at a time when you can not answer even the simplest question during an impromptu competition for attention. Don't be upset! Almost all of us have similar moments.

Aquarius will be dull and depressed. What is upsetting you and beating you down? The reasons for sadness and pain will not be exactly clear. Recognize your bad mood is just an emotional state that you need to survive safely.

Pisces will pass today in an even and calm atmosphere. Doing uncomplicated household chores, you can even relax to some extent. The finale on December 14th for you will be a fun party, which is organized spontaneously and deposits a sea of guests in your house.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for December 2017Horoscope for Yesterday December 13 2017
Horoscope for Tomorrow December 15 2017