Horoscope for December 23 2017
On December 23rd, be extremely alert and careful! Not all persons on the eve of the New Year are engaged in a joyful preparation for the upcoming celebration. There is a category of citizens who skillfully manipulate the mood of others and concoct cunning schemes, scheming how quickly and easily they can be enriched at others' expense. December 23rd advises against buying anything from people who are dubious or unfamiliar, do not trust everything that they tell you. Politely and firmly announce your refusal; if you hear them offer a "miracle" it means that in the blink of an eye your money can miraculously vanish.

Aries will spend the day on a positive wave. Your sincere smile, presented to the higher executives, will bring a very unexpected result. Employees who treat their superiors with such benevolence are valued more than others. Your new salary will just confirm it.

Taurus should nip in the bud all the unpleasant talk about their intra-family relations. You are right, what happens between your relatives should not concern anyone. Politely and delicately explain to annoying interlocutors that you will not answer any rude and intrusive questions about your family.

Horoscope for today advises against Gemini taking an active part in someone's "showdown." An extraneous conflict that began without you must end without your intervention! If you do not take this advice into account, it is possible that on New Year's Eve your body will be "decorated" with numerous abrasions and bruises.

Cancers on this day need to spend as much time as possible in the fresh air. Winter is not a reason to become isolated in the home. Returning from work, go for a walk, wander among the snowy houses and capture the picturesque winter landscapes in your memory.

Lions will devote all their energy and force to their home affairs. Pre-New Year cleaning for you is in full swing. Not wanting to leave the task for the weekend, after work you find something to wash and organize the clutter of old things.

Virgos will be much surprised when they receive evidence of someone's personal sympathy. Of course, if you are alone, it makes sense to get accustomed to your secret admirer. However, if you are in a couple, honestly tell the new admirer about it. Compliments and gifts - this is a very nice thing, but an honest person like you will not give rise to unfounded hope and promise.

All the problems for Libra today will be concentrated in the interpersonal sphere. Disagreements with your beloved will lead you to the idea that it's time to set some boundaries in the current relationship. Do not make a decision in anger, and do not be guided by resentment and anger! Tonight, spend time by yourself, analyze everything in detail, and only then proceed to take action.

Scorpions on this day will lose mutual understanding with loved ones. Relatives will "torture" you, and for answers you are so carefully concealing from them. You really have something to hide! The situation is simple and straightforward - you have prepared a New Year's surprise and do not want it to be known about it before the holiday.

Sagittarius will spend all day doing pre-holiday cleaning. By evening, this bustle will make you bored. Since the New Year was planned by you not as a tiring event, but as a long-awaited holiday, do not be too zealous with business. You will certainly have time to finish everything, even if you act at a moderate pace.

Capricorns will put things in order in "paper" cases. By analyzing important documentation, you will find forgotten certificates and shares, from which you have not received dividends for a long time. On the eve of the New Year, these unexpected financial returns will come in handy and will significantly supplement your family budget.

Aquarius will spend this day denying everything that happens around them. For some reason you are not happy with the approach of the holiday, nor all the New Year's fuss. The general emotional uplift and fun make you annoyed. Do some self-analysis, because the main problem is in you.

December 23rd will again give healthy Pisces a noticeable let-down. You will feel the lack of energy and fatigue from the very early morning. By evening, the situation will not change, and you will face an important question: will you be able to work normally this coming week? You will receive the answer after consulting a qualified doctor.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for December 2017Horoscope for Yesterday December 22 2017
Horoscope for Tomorrow December 24 2017