Horoscope for December 25 2017
December 25 will turn into one of the brightest and most joyful days of the year for Christians and for many people who adhere to other faiths. Romance, faith in magic and incomparable joy will today be present literally everywhere - in the process of communicating with loved ones, and on the job site if you must work. Let the smile not come off your face on December 25th! On such days even an adult and a serious person can afford to be childishly cheerful and frivolous.

During this day, Aries will not have any desire to work hard. You will feel Christmas spirit with all your soul, and when your heart rejoices and sings it becomes impossible to work! If at work, try to wait patiently for the end of the day so that you can surrender to joy and fun with a clear conscience.

The Tauruses will have one of the most peaceful and prosperous days in the outgoing year. Any grandiose and large-scale events in your life today are completely excluded. The absence of any kind of news is good news. Appreciate what you have at the moment, and do not let random or transitory melancholy ruin your wonderful mood.

All the attention of Geminis will focus on family affairs today. Help will be required by one of the younger members of the family. You will have to take time to eliminate this unpleasant misunderstanding. When the problem is solved, you will be able to relax for a while, and then you will become tied up with things that you did not manage to complete your other duties and obligations.

The horoscope for today implores Cancers not to be too immersed in themselves or their inner experiences. On the eve of the New Year, many people tend to analyze their own victories and defeats, and this is normal. You risk the peculiar "annual review" to turn into a painful self-berating. Do not blame yourself and do not torture yourself for what you did not manage to do in the year that is going away.

The Leos should tightly control themselves and their unbridled emotional impulses. Having succumbed to aggression from the outside, you risk exploding with a stream of verbal abuse. The most dangerous thing in this situation is that this verbal stream may be vented not on just anyone, but on your most important and completely innocent loved ones!

Virgos should draw appropriate conclusions from a situation that will occur today. Friends are called friends for a reason, in that they are near and share joy, but some can create trouble. People who are capable of betrayal one time are not worthy of sincere relationships with you! Remove traitors from your life without regrets.

On December 25th, something very exotic will appear in the lives of Libras. It is not unlikely that your circle of friends will be supplemented by an extraordinary person, or one of their friends will give you a New Year's "surprise", which could be a pet of a rare species.

Scorpions today should remember old friends, former neighbors, or fellow workers. People with whom you used to be closed will be very pleased with your phone call or text message. Christmas is an excellent occasion to get in touch, chat about nothing in particular and share your plans for the New Year.

Close relatives will strongly pressure Sagittarius. It will be you who the family council unanimously determines to be the culprit of all their ills and misfortunes. Hysterics, unreasonable claims and nagging on the part of relatives - you must endure them steadfastly and with dignity. If the family today asks for something from you, you should present it.

A normally difficult working day for Capricorns is smoothly replaced by quiet family idyll. Outside the window is the December frost, and you feel so cozy and warm at home. Most of all, you are warmed by the smiles and kind words of relatives. Such moments are the essence of simple human happiness.

Aquarius today is best to engage in the intellectual activity. Conduct a kind of "brainstorm", throw down on paper everything that comes to your mind. It is possible that one of the today's ideas will just be your ticket to a "bright future".

Pisces will receive new official powers. Noticing your responsibility and serious approach to business, the authorities will instruct you to lead the work of your team upon your return. You need to justify such a high level of trust! Do not pressure your colleague;, try to organize the team in such a way that everyone feels important and gladly carries out the assigned work.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for December 2017Horoscope for Yesterday December 24 2017
Horoscope for Tomorrow December 26 2017