Horoscope for December 11 2017
December 11 is a fast and very busy day, which will require you to concentrate on professional matters. Be constantly on the alert to catch all changes in the mood of management. Today, only courageous and resolute workers will be able to maintain their positions! Do not enter into discussions and arguments, do not play "behind-the-scenes" games, and do not rush to believe everything you hear. December 11th is best for focusing on personal affairs and responsibilities.

For Aries, today will abound with stresses and problems. Nuisances will begin with a scandal involving a relative. The situation at work will also resemble an active volcano, which threatens to explode at any second, so watch out for unpleasant traps.

Taurus today will be overcome by anguish and depression. You are clearly not satisfied with yourself and your successes, while you think you have no strength to change anything. You still have to change something radically! Leave aside this melancholy and sadness, and look for solutions to the problem that has arisen.

Geminis on this day will have a great chance to make an expensive acquisition. The product that you often visualized in your dreams will become your property once you accidentally learn about the holiday reduction in the price of this highly-valued item.

Close family members throw Cancers plenty of trouble this day. You, of course, can get angry, resent and shout loudly; nevertheless, all the savings that you had accumulated for the New Year, you have to spend to solve this problem ...

Leos should modify each of their thoughts. The creative insight that will seize you today is very important not to miss. Who knows, maybe one of your brilliant ideas today will really help to increase your wealth and quality of life significantly!

Virgo risks doing much harm to themselves by excessive temper tantrums in the process of communicating with their supervisors. The authorities do not like it when they contradict and act in defiance of them! If you value your current place of work, keep silent when sharp or caustic expressions are ready to come out of your mouth.

Libra on December 11th will feel overwhelmed and devastated. You hardly have the strength to tidy yourself up and get to work. Make the manager aware that you are feeling unwell. Maybe they'll let you go home. If this does not happen, try to work in an energy-conserving mode during the day.

Scorpions today will severely test relations with the service team. At work, one of the colleagues will ask you for help. Refusal on your part will be taken as a personal insult. Do not doubt for a minute the correctness of your actions, because in solving the problems of others you may not have time to fulfill your own affairs and responsibilities.

Sagittarius will experience a great mood and good health. Quickly completing all the work tasks, you will go shopping for holiday gifts and souvenirs. When all the purchases can hardly fit in your bags, look at your wallet and think, is not it time you stopped?

Horoscope for today relegates Capricorns to spending the day in silence and loneliness. You need to think, philosophize and understand yourself. If the problems that have developed in your life at the moment are left unresolved, in a few days you will be at a dead end. It would be a big mistake to let go of the situation at hand!

Aquarius on this day is waiting for unforeseen financial income. It's hard to say in advance what it will be: a premium for the timely payment of a loan, an old debt, or some kind of bonus. Clearly, this money on the eve of the New Year will not be unwelcome.

Pisces will decide to spend their free time caring for themselves. In an effort to look more attractive and younger, you can visit an expensive beauty salon. Or perhaps just a "budget" option - on the way home run into the beauty store and purchase several items for self-use.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for December 2017Horoscope for Yesterday December 10 2017
Horoscope for Tomorrow December 12 2017