Horoscope for December 17 2017
On December 17th all your wildest dreams will come true. You need only think about some pleasant event, and it will happen right away. Such a favorable day in all respects is very important not to miss. If you have a difficult goal, today you need to do it. In general, December 17th will pass in a very joyful and friendly atmosphere. After working proper hours, in the evening you should spend time in a fun place.

Aries will want to spend this day in isolation from society. A bad mood and unwillingness to get in touch with someone will push you to find a place of solitude. Of course, during working hours you will not be able to hide from your superiors and from colleagues. This will further depress your emotional mood. It is possible that you will "dump" the anger at someone in your family when you get home from work.

Taurus suddenly suspects that all the surrounding people are controlled by vanity and selfishness. At the moment when you ask for help from someone from colleagues, you will be answered with an insulting and painful refusal. Do not be too hasty to judge everyone around! It's just that your request did not sound right at that particular time.

Gemini on this day will be "up on horseback." On the work team you will be elected an unofficial leader. Huge respect from colleagues is not only a pleasant experience, but also a very big responsibility. Now the burden of your work will become even more difficult.

Cancers will succeed easily and without difficulty at even the most daring projects and ideas. Your energy potential today is so high that you have the sense to challenge yourself, even in very difficult cases. The main thing is that your success is not hampered by internal constraints, nor fears and doubts.

Leos today will enjoy great popularity with the opposite sex. If your heart is still free, on this day you can start a lot of interesting and far-reaching relationships. If you have a life partner, in the process of flirting with strangers, do not forget about the feelings of your loved one.

The abilities of Virgo on this day will not be commensurate with desires. Mentally, you are ready to "move mountains", but your low energy potential will not allow you to implement even a small fraction of the planned successes. Given this, it is worth regrouping. Allow yourself to hang out and dream.

Horoscope for today advises Libra to upgrade his appearance and figure. A few days remain until the holidays, and if you do not immediately take active measures, instead of a beautiful outfit for the New Year you will have to wear a hoodie. To avoid this, observe the simplest rules - exclude high-calorie food from the diet and try to move around more.

Scorpions will face a lot of internal problems. Discontent with what is happening around you is only a consequence of numerous fears and complexes. Until you put things in order in your soul, you will not get rid of everything that bothers you, and you will not achieve the long-sought emotional balance.

Healthy Sagittarians will be knocked down by an unexpected cold today. You will realize this from the very early morning, when you will not have the strength to get up and go to work. If you do not want worse consequences, immediately go to the doctor, and do not try to self-medicate!

Capricorns today will tear at their hair and throw things, and all because of vicious rumors and gossip. Some "well-wisher" deliberately told some tall tales about you. After you disprove this information, do not forget to find and punish the attacker.

Aquarians will remember how nice it is sometimes to give gifts without reason. The article that you present to your loved one will produce such a powerful reaction of surprise that you would give something so expensive. In return, you are guaranteed recognition of love and a date in a romantic setting.

For Pisces, today will not be a continuation of the usual work days. Here is a small preview of what you will be able to accomplish - you will go to work without much enthusiasm, promptly sit back on your chair for hours, and hurry home to resume a pleasant "doing nothing".
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for December 2017Horoscope for Yesterday December 16 2017
Horoscope for Tomorrow December 18 2017